Chapter 27

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Why does it hurt so much...?

I could feel my body rejecting something, and whatever it was was fighting back. My whole body was screaming, but the pain was worst in my chest, hands, and the upper part of my arm. It was like something was burning me from the inside out. I could almost hear my newfound metal parts grinding in complaint. My left arm was on fire, burning like it was ablaze. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't hear myself. I could feel other things, too. Faintly, it felt like something slender and gentle was patting me all over my body. I would occasionally feel something cold on my chest or back and jerk away. But when I felt warmth, I wanted to cling to it. It was familiar.

Suddenly, the pain grew worse. My body, I knew, was arching in agony, tears flowing from my eyes. Was I becoming semiconscious? I could feel I was being moved quickly, and started to hear voices. Anxious voices. Angry ones, too. I wanted to reach out and grab something, but it felt like I was stuck. My mouth suddenly was thick, and I couldn't make any more noise.

And then their was sweet, utter relief. My pain flew away in a split second, and was replaced with bliss. And a quick craving to devour it. I immediately knew what it was. It had to be Energon. But how was I getting it?

I heard relieved voices and a joyful sob, and then I was being moved again. I felt so, so much better, but I still couldn't wake. Why couldn't I? Light entered my vision, and for a moment I thought I had finally opened my eyes. But instead, I found myself looking at letters. A word in the darkness, blinking at me in and out.


I was confused. What on earth could that mean? I was perfectly fine now. I wanted to reach out and grasp the word, pull it in close and examine it. But no matter how far I reached, it seemed to get farther and farther away. I wanted to scream in frustration, but then another group of words flashed at me.

Rebooting systems...

I felt my body slowly coming alive, and my heart fluttered with hope and excitement. Soon, I could tell that I was back. Not quite awake yet, but back from whatever oblivion I had been in. And I was waking soon, I could feel it.

Then I was also feeling something else. A familiar warmth, smooth and gentle. Knowing that it would only be a few more moments before I woke, I lifted my arms and grabbed it, rubbing it slowly. It was his. As my eyes began to squint open, I lifted the corners of my mouth into a small, weak smile. My eyes were searching for a while, adjusting to being awake again and the light. Soon enough, I found who I was looking for.

"Hey, Ratchet," I whispered, my throat hoarse and scratchy.

Ratchet's entire chassis seemed to slump after I spoke, and I could see the pure relief flooding his optics. His faceplate relaxed, his derma parting slightly in a sigh. I hugged his servo, which was brushing along my head and upper body, tightly and smiled brighter, feeling my strength returning to me. He started to shiver, bringing up his other servo to continue stroking my head.

"I thought I'd lost you," he said quietly, his voice cracking with rare emotions.

I blinked back tears and rubbed his digit soothingly. "It's okay. I'm right here."

"All my reading, even Nurse Darby's, they were telling me you were dead..," he rambled, his optics lined with panic. He had been really scared.

I lifted my head and rested it on the warm metal of his servo. "Look. I'm just fine. I feel so much better. Thanks to you."

"But I didn't.. I had to have Nurse Darby.."

"No, I know it was you," I argued gently. "No one else would have thought to give me and Raf Energon." I paused, remembering that the younger boy had been with me. "Is Raf okay?"

He sighed shakily, closing his optics and nodding. "Yes, he woke up almost immediately after I used the Energon to repel the Dark Energon... but you.."

I cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "Dark Energon?" I asked slowly.

His optics opened again, apologetic and remorseful. "Yes, that is what affected you and Raf. It seemed to affect you more adversely.."

"Because I'm human and full of Energon..." I muttered in realization. "A double exposure.."

"Yes, which is exactly why I was so worried," he sighed, turning his helm.

My heart fluttered. He really had been so worried.. he was frightened and here I was comforting him.. stroking him like a scared child. I laughed a little at the irony.

He noticed and looked back, his optic ridge raised. "What is it?" he asked. I smiled at the familiar expression.

"I was just thinking about how the tables have turned," I chuckled, leaning my head on his servo again. "Hardly over a week ago, you were the one lying on a medical berth, comforting me even though you were injured."

He blinked in surprise, before smiling warmly, the best one I had ever seen on him. "Ironic."

I let go of his servo, sitting up slowly. He moved his servos so that they weren't in the way, back up a little. I looked around once I was up. I had been moved from wherever I had been before to the edge of the medical berth. Ratchet was bent over on one knee plate, crouching over me. I wondered how long he had been there..? The other kids were over with Raf, who was also sitting up in bed. Nurse Darby was fussing over him, but the young boy just looked happy to see that his guardian was safe. The scout was also on one knee plate, watching his charge warmly. I turned my head back to Ratchet and smiled up at him.

"I'm glad that everyone else is okay," I said, before noticing that one was missing. "Where's Optimus?"

Ratchet's faceplate fell a little and he looked away, sighing. "He is battling Megatron. From what Bulkhead told me, he no longer intends to let him live."

My heart sank a little, not for the cruel warlord I had never met, but for the Prime that could get injured. If they were fighting to the death, there was a fifty-fifty chance that Optimus would end up being the one who perished. I shook my head, not wanting to relish on that right now. I knew Ratchet didn't want to either, his optics lined with worry for his old friend.

I pouted mockingly and reached up like a child, feeling slightly embarrassed but also a bit playful. "Hey, pick me up."

He looked back down at me, blinking in surprise. "You really want to move right now?"

I nodding, turning the fake pout into a cheery smile. "Yep!" I answered simply.

He shook his helm, but grinned a little. "Alright, as long as you're sure." He reached out with his servos and gently wrapped them around me, making sure I didn't have to move. Standing up, he placed me right where I normally was. I sat down with a giddy smile; it felt good to be back here again.

"I'll talk to Raf later, okay?" I told him, feeling a strange urge.

He nodded, turning his helm to the monitor farther away. "Whenever you're ready."

I sighed, and before I could change my mind I leaned forward and pecked his metal cheek with my lips. He nearly jumped out of his shell, his face flushing in a deep shade of blue. I quickly scooched back, looking at my legs and hunching my shoulders. My face was on fire as he began to sputter.

"W-What was that for?!" he whisper hissed, too embarrassed to let the others know.

I kept my gaze at my feet. "Um.. humans do that sometimes to express thanks," I lied, turning to face him and smiling the best I could despite my red cheeks. "So... thank you."

He didn't answer, just blinked a couple of times in shock, before clearing his throat and turning his helm. He walked over to the monitor without another word. I just watched, my mind racing.

Was that a lie to him... or myself?




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