Chapter 3

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My mind was spinning. All that Optimus had just explained... it made no sense, but at the same time, there really didn't seem to be any other explanation. I stared at them all in shock. My jaw was hanging open and my eyes were saucers. Red, blue, green, yellow, and white plates flashed in my eyes. I shook my head, closing my jaw and feeling myself blush.

"Um.. are you okay?" Bulkhead asked.

The blue, female Autobot watched me with fierce but concerned eyes. "Miko had a much different reaction than you."

Bumblebee, the yellow one, buzzed something I couldn't understand. Bulkhead chuckled and Arcee rolled her eyes. 

"That's true," she said.

I watched them joke in awe and curiosity. Most of my fear was gone now.

"Taylor, I know this is a lot to take in," Nurse Darby said soothingly. "It was for me, too. Wasn't too long ago that I discovered that my son was involved with these Autobots."

I perked at her words. "S-son?"

"Jackson Darby," Optimus answered for her. "He, Miko, and Raphael have also learned of our existence."

I smiled a little. More kids like me. Maybe this wasn't so bad.

That's when the bitter reality hit me. Mom was dead. I had no home. I had no friends. And I was surrounded by aliens. The shock finally hit me, and I quickly burst into tears.

Ratchet, who had been silent near monitors for most of Optimus' explaining, let out an exasperated sigh. "Humans. Always so loud."

Each of the Autobots shot him a look, even Optimus.

"I-I'm sorry," I sniffed. "I just.. have a lot going on right now."

"Maybe we should take you home. It's been a long night," Bulkhead said, trying to cheer me up a little. "Your family should be worried sick about you."

Night. It was nighttime already?

"I.. I can't," I said quietly, rubbing my eyes. "I don't have a home anymore. Or a family."

I heard Nurse Darby gasp and her hand left my shoulder. The Autobots all exchanged glances once again. For a while, it was silent, aside from my quiet sobs.

"Taylor," Optimus said. "If it is alright with you, you may remain here for the time being."

Ratchet instantly protested. I had a guess he didn't like people much. I was no longer listening to what they said, though. My mind had more or less drifted off into my own drowsy world. I was just now realizing how sleepy I was. My body had to be exhausted.

I felt myself lay down before I drifted into a tired, dreamless sleep.


'Ugh. My head hurts. And the rest of me.'

My eyelids fluttered open heavily and struggles against the light. Once they got accustomed, I realized that I was facing a hard wall. I groaned slightly and got up slowly. My body ached all over. Why had I not felt the pain from the explosion the night before? Groggily, I looked around. My mind was already looking for the Autobots. I guess I knew what was going on now. The fogging confusion from earlier seemed to have faded away.

I was surprised to see that no one was around. My heart jumped a little, nervous that I was alone. Then my eyes drifted over to the monitor and found Ratchet studying them intently.

"Oh," I sighed in relief. I wasn't by myself.

Ratchet jumped slightly at my voice, facing me. "Oh. You're awake."

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