The girl was leaning over him with her bare breasts hanging over his face. His eyes were tightly shut in sleep and the blanket had been pulled down to show that he was topless.

Who are you to threaten me? she thought with a wry smirk.

A large smile was plastered on the girl's heavily made up face and a little of her eyeshadow was smudged. But Hana could see that she was pretty.

What's this supposed to mean? You're running off to prostitutes now?

She tossed her phone aside and mindlessly began to pack her cello into its case. She strapped her instrument down, tucked the bow into its slot, then zipped the case shut.


By the way, my name is Marie. This is my bank account xxx-xxx-xxx

Received 4:22 PM


Hey. Marie. I don't care.

Sent 4:22 PM


You'll care. Because I'm pregnant.

Received 4:22 PM

'Huh!' she exclaimed.

The words flashed in her mind continuously like a giant neon sign. Pregnant! She rubbed a hand across her eyes, then read the message again but the words remained the same. The new message, that last word, it changed everything.

Leonidas Federov, she thought viciously, so much for proposing that we keep our private lives! You can't even control your prostitutes, eh? Can't even control that thing – That thing that hangs between your legs?!

I'll slice it up with my knife if that's the last thing I'll do!



Sent 4:23 PM



He slipped an arm across her waist and pulled an unwilling Hana towards himself. He felt her squirm when he pressed a kiss to the back of her neck and a frown creased his brow.

'Hana, darling, you okay?' he murmured.

She shrugged her shoulders and gave him a noncommittal hum. She hadn't said a word to him throughout dinner, except to ask if he'd like second helpings. A distracted look had occupied her usually cheerful demeanour and he couldn't get a word out of her.

Leon tucked her knee behind his, then bit at the fabric of her shirt and pulled the sleeve down to expose the butterfly tattoos on her back. In the dim light of night, he could just make out the intricate detail of the wings, filled with lines and curls to make them look wispy. There were two butterflies, one larger than the other, yet both beautifully coloured in shades of green for one and shades of purple and pink for the other.

'What does your tattoo mean, Hana? If you don't want to tell me what's wrong, then tell me about your tattoo, hmm?'

He heard her soft sigh, then held her tighter.

'Have you heard of the butterfly lovers?'


'It's a Chinese story. Like Romeo and Juliet.'

'Oh.' Well that makes sense, he thought as a fist clenched at his heart. Even now, that other boy who was so far away could still get to him. 'Tell me about it.'

She sighed and pulled the sheets up to her chin.

'It's about this girl who's the only daughter of a rich family. She was a smart girl who enjoyed studying, and one day begged her father to allow her to study in a school, disguised as a man. It was not common for girls to go to school during that time, you see.'

She paused for breath.

'On the day she was setting off for school, she met a boy along the way. They became fast friends and pledged brotherhood with each other. They studied together and she started to fall in love with him. One day, she was called back by her father. She didn't want to go, but she was a filial girl. Before she left, she tried to confess her feelings for the boy but he was such a scholar that he didn't get what she meant. In the end, she told him to visit her and that she would matchmake him with her 'sister'.'

Leon reached his fingers to her hair and pulled the strands behind her ear.


'When she went home, she found out that she had received a proposal of marriage. Each day, she wished for the boy to visit her, but each day, she also received engagement presents from her betrothed. Three months later, he finally came. She revealed to him that she was a girl and then confessed her feelings to him. They spent a lot of time together after that, they were in love. But she had to get married. When she told him that, he fell so ill that he later passed away. On the day of her wedding, a typhoon prevented her wedding party to travel past his grave. The girl went down to pay respects to him, and when she did, his grave opened up. She jumped in so that she could join him, then after that, two butterflies flew out of the grave as their souls.'

He nodded his head, his eyes fixed on the captivating tattoo which story he'd finally understood.

'That's a nice story,' he murmured after a while. 'You got it before you left Japan, didn't you?'


He kissed her again and slid a hand under her night dress, up to her thigh.


His fingers rubbed circles on her smooth skin. He almost jumped up when she shook, then looked over to see the tell tale streaks of tears on her cheeks.

'Darling...what is it? Why're you crying?'

She shook her head.

'Hana, tell me.'

His lips met her skin over and over, murmuring words of comfort in her ear yet she wouldn't say a word. What's wrong, darling? Please tell me.

Finally, she turned around to face him. He could feel the jut of her hip bone against his and he wiped her tears with his thumb. Her wet eyes slowly went up to meet his and her lips formed words that she couldn't bear to say.

'Leon, tell me. Who's Marie?'


A/N: Leon is screwed. Your thoughts?

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