Chapter 30

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Outskirts of Central City

The Nazi Waverider landed on the ground, out of its hanger an endless supply on Nazi soldiers came marching in perfect unison.

"That is a lot of Nazis." Spartan said out loud noticing that they were probably outnumbered three to one.

Marching in front of the enemy's army was The Dark Arrow, he held a single fist up and the entire army behind him came to a complete stop. He looked straight ahead and saw his Earth 1 doppelganger, "You're all fools if you think that you stand a chance against the power of the Reichsman!"

"Your policies are outdated, turn back now and go home!", Green Arrow yelled back.

"Kill them all!", Dark Arrow ordered.

All the Nazi soldiers broke their formation and ran at full speed towards the heros.

"Alright guys, let's show these guys whose Earth this is!", Green Arrow yelled.

The heroes broke their formation as well and ran straight at the Reichsman's Army.

The War against Earth X had officially began.

Central City

Out of the sky, both Supergirl and Blitzkrieg came crashing down in Central City's public streets. As soon as everyone saw this they began to panic and run away for their lives. They all knew that a fight was about to break out.

Supergirl quickly got up, she wasn't really hurt. She looked around and saw that some bystanders still hadn't fled yet, "Go! Get out of here befo-!"

Before Supergirl could finish warning the citizens, she was sent crashing into the side of building by a really fast black streak.

"Agh!", Supergirl said once she felt the pain sit in. She got up and, through the smoke, spotted her best friend looking at her from a distance.

"Barry!" She yelled.

Blitzkrieg didn't answer. He just stared at her from a far distance.

"Please Barry! We don't have to do this! I don't want to fight you! I know you're in there, you just need to fight it!"

Blitzkrieg remained silent, he continue to just stare at her, not moving a muscle.

"Damn it Barry! Please answer me!" Supergirl yelled, starting to get desperate, "I know this is all my fault! I did this to you! If you're in there and you can hear me, I want you to know that I promise that I will free you from whatever mind control Overgirl has you under! And-!"

With a sudden flash of red light Blitzkrieg sped over to her and pinning her up against the wall. He had his arm pressed firmly against her windpipe, preventing her from talking anymore. He had his face right in front of hers, with his mask only exposing his green eyes.

"Free me?" Blitzkrieg asked, his voice was deep and muffled by his mask. He began to laugh at her, "You think I'm trapped. You don't understand, I've never felt so alive! Why would I want to go back to a life where I'm a boring CSI, were I waste my time saving weaklings, where I'm about to marry that woman."

Supergirl tried to answer back but the pressure he was placing on her neck was stopping her.

"I finally have power and respect I deserve. I don't want to go back to being that pathetic version of myself that was about to make the worst decision of his life."

After struggling for a while, Supergirl was finally able to free herself. She grabbed both his arms and spun the two of them around, now having Blitzkrieg pinned up against the wall, "Don't talk like that Barry. You love Iris, she's waiting for you back on the Waverider, Barry please you need to go back to her."

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