Looking for blake

421 27 1

"So, what rank are you? You have power radiating off you almost like an Alpha but not as powerful "
"Well, I honestly don't know, I'm waiting for my mom to come back and tell me what the hell's going on."
"And where is she ??"
"On earth I guess, Blake knows where she is "
"Oh my gosh !! Blake, we have to go get him. Do you know where he is?
I really felt guilty I almost forgot about Blake
"Oh yeah his in his loft, the alpha just forbade him any contact with you. " ally said sadly.
"What!!" I growled loudly and ran back towards the pack house
I ran straight for the alphas office and found our slutty Luna in what I think is supposed to be a ultra mini skirt, with half her bum gasping for air . I stopped at the door and watched her as she struggled to even read whatever paper she was holding in front of her .
"Tsk, tsk , what the whittle puppy can't read." She growled loudly
"Who let you in here ."
"I let my self in, what's your problem"
" what do you want I don't have time to deal with you"
" what are you doing anyway," I asked a bit curious.. This time she didn't even put up a fight
" I don't even know how Nate deals with all of this. None of it makes sense"
She was going through pack bills and she didn't even know where they came from. Well since i had to handle pack affairs I knew what she was doing .... But it wasn't her place to worry.
"Listen, as Luna you're not supposed to be worrying about all the bills. You're suppose to look after the families and see to it that their well taken care off."
She looked at me and for a second she looked thankful ..
" No one asked for your opinion whore "
I rolled my eyes and walked away.
As I was walking down the hallway ally came up the other end . Out of nowhere she yelled
"Chry's duck"
I looked at her baffled
"Duck,goose" .. Then darkness hit like a ton of bricks once again ...
I think I'm cursed

Love you guys
Promise I'll update more often just been really busy

My curvy dark mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن