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Oh  I dedicated the last chapter to SimplyAWriter coz I just finished her book and it was awsome !!!!!!!!! I loved it ... U should read it some time I recently voted for it so you can just look it up on my home page

Luv Steph


Crystal ~~~

" God!!!!!!!! What the fuckin hell is happening to me " I was mentally shouting at myself while the heat was scorching through my abdomen ..... Something talked inside my head again 'where's Kyle????' , 'why do you care,' .... Great I'm talking to myself ......' You know your talking to me ..... Your conscience ', ' okay then .... Shut up conscience' I could almost swear I heard my self growl ..... Then out of nowhere I looked at the sealing and brought my eyes to the floor seeing Kyle's boxers . I gripped the edge of the tub again as a thought of Kyle naked passed through my mind and another wave of heat scratched my abdomen . Then I heard the bedroom door open and in came Kyle's scent .... I could actually smell him for the first time. I tightly closed my eyes ad grip the tubs edges till all blood drained from my knucles . Then I felt him next to me .' That's it I'm taking over ' that's all I heard before I felt my self being shoved at the back of my mind and someone else take over me or something else take over my body. My eyes opened, and Kyle was there staring at me wide eyed with another person in control of my body I got up from the tub completely nude and went straight for him . I jumped on him wrapping my legs arond his waist automatically feeling a bulge in the middle of my legs . I purred or at least the thing controlling me purred . And I heard him growl .... Like seriously he sounded like a wolf an angry or stressed one to be exact . Witch somehow made my "conscience" (note the sarcasm) took very intimidating. She or I started grinding myself on him. Kyle saw where this was going and placed his hands on my ass cupping them and taking me to his bed.he threw a blanket over my bare body "crystal relax " his warm breath on my neck made my "conscience" grow even crazier. " crystal please come around." I started fighting with my conscience and she finally came back down . I think Kyle noticed cause he picked me up with his blanket and placed me in the tub. The cold water calmed me down... It felt like a glass of icy water after a 2 hour work out going down my throat . I let out a moan as the icy water covered me like a blanket and I fell asleep right there.

Kyle's POV

As she closed her eyes I want downstairs and made hot chocolate, I took out some chocolate cake from the fridge and a bar of mars . I took it to my room and laid it on my bed.

I took out some of her clothes and undergarments and placed them on the bathrooms sink .

I sat on the sofa beside the bed and fell asleep replaying all that happened from the moment I got into my room

I opened my eyes to a blushing and clearly embarrassed crystal standing at the bathroom door in her shorts and my over sized tee . "I'm sorry", was all she managed to say before I caught her sniffing the air and wrinkling her nose at all the chocolate on the bed . I laughed " crystal, it's okay and the chocolate helps take you away from the heat." She let out a sigh " I hate chocolate and just for your info. Imnot sleeping on that bed anymore ." I laughed and winked ... " you know you can't sleep without me ," I smiled as I saw her wrinkle her face at me . She came over and punched me."man whore " was all she said while she kept throwing playful punches at me gosh 'I love this girl' was all I said to myself while watching her stalk over at the chocolate on the bed and started eating them with a look on her face that said I might hurl

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