Real him ???

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Real him ????

I opened my eyes and sat up, okay so this wasn’t Blake's house, and the place smelled like some herd of cows lived here.

"How in the name of all that’s chocolaty did I get here?" 

"That my lovely mate is not what's important right now."

That voice, oh damn. It got me wet so fast, its like I wanted to keep talking . But I hated him, he has no right to call me his mate .. right ??!!

"your mate isn't in here fuckwitt !"

He growled so loudly the house shook, just how powerful is this thirsty dog. but no one and I mean not a single person growls at me

I stood up on the bed and looked straight into his eyes.

"Those beautiful emerald green eyes,"

"Thanks for the reminder lykha"

"You're welcome!!"

I rolled my eyes annoyed, speaking of annoying where's……………

" Where the fuck is my Blakey !!!!" I shouted at the dog

His eyes turned red and n a flash he reached me and grabbed me by the throat suffocating me. He slammed my body on the wall over and over again till I felt weak . just when I felt like I was slipping he stopped and said lowly and maliciously in my ear "you're mine and mine only my love." and just before I closed my eyes all I could think was if this is the real Nate, I'm n deep shit !!!!

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