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I was alone,in a foggy Dark forest.my head throbbing right above my spine. It was like a pulsating heart beat banging against the back of my skull.
It wasn't very dark but a spooky haunting darkness almost grey-ish light. There were shadows, wolf shadows around just pacing behind the trees.
"Come out if there,don't hide yourself!"I shouted.
They growled and circled even nearer.
A white wolf emerged stalking towards me
"It's me ..don't you recognize you're own self"
"What the hell! laykha,you look ..I mean we look ..no fuck it.you look different "
" Yeah,my mate is in danger..get up..Now!"
"I would if I could focus but this freaking thud ding against the base of my skull hurts so damn much.
"All you need to do is think the pain away.. slowly just supress it. Think of something that brings happiness to us. Something to dull the pain and calm us."
"Okayyyyy. I'll try. No promises though. But wait, who are they."
Is all she answered
I closed my eyes a happy moment, think of a happy moment Blake and I, we decided to sneak into an ice cream parlor and decided to have a sleep in. The owner walked in early the next morning to see us under a table huddled in blankets and a pillow with jars of icecream around us. I remember us running out leaving at least a 100 note on the table shouting thank you in our footie pajamas and blankets in hand.
I closed my eyes remembering the happy moment a smile forming on my face. I opened my eyes again to a nice little room with a dull pink shade on the walls. In my opinion punk is a sickening color. I looked around and there was no one.
"Where laykha? I can't just run out or here parading around looking for him,"
"Home. Blake's home"
I got up and yanked out a spaghetti of wires attached to my head and chest causing machines to beep uncontrollably. I looked over to a chair that was by the window to my left. There was a bag on it. I looked in and there wasn't anything I could wear on top of the hospital gown.
"Fudging fudge sticks" I muttered under my breath.
I took to my wolf form letting laykha take control and we headed out to home,wherever that was.

Picture of Ally <-

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