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Loneliness is holding the one you love, when you know you might never hold him again. even ost in the darkness my heart will find you. The soul dies at the hand of the one who carries it. If I could find a place to runaway, hidden safely. I would be there today. The darkest day light finds me here, those who wait are always watching. Most watching are pure evil. All evil hide behind pretty faces .....

Lena Duachannes

Nates P.O.V

"Where is she?"

I asked authority booming across the house hold. I felt it before I knew what happened. Someone hurt my Crystal. I didn't care. But she belongs to me. No one lays a hand on her but me!

My beautiful mate waked in soon after. No, not that waste of space Crystal. The beauty that bears my mark and hopefully soon my pups

"where have you been my love? She asked walking up to me and planting a kiss on my jaw. "ive been worried sick, and you have so much paper work on your table."

"where's Crystal?" I asked ignoring her.

" She's down in the infirmary my love, that Blake fella walked in here and hit her with a rock at the back of her head while we were talking. I felt so sorry and rushed her to the infirmary. I just got back and I'm so exhausted"

I stormed out of there my eyes seeing red and my canines craving his blood. My wolf pissed off at the thought of his mate being hurt. And I angry at the fact someone else hurting her apart from me. I could feel the throbbing vein by my temple and the rush of adrenaline. I grabbed my car keys and dove off to his place.

I knocked on the door and he answered it immediately

"what seems to be the problem alpha?" he asked with an edge to his tone.

"what did you do to Crystal?"I growled. He seemed puzzled and looked into my darkening eyes and sneered. He took another step back and started snarling

"what did you do to my chrys?"

That made my wolf snap. I barked at him and shifted. I charged at him, he shifted and stood ready to defend himself. My eyes blood red and being his alpha I was bigger and stronger.

We fought.

I bit into his shoulder and he whimpered a little. He managed to maneuver around me and bit my left hind leg. I growled and grabbed his stomach in between my teeth and threw him  to the side

My wolf wanting his blood strode towards him. I took a moment to think how much he meant to crystal. And that made me even more mad

She's supposed to care for me like that. I'm her mate I want her begging for me every single day. Im the only one to hurt her.

My curvy dark mateWhere stories live. Discover now