Welcome to Beacon

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Your pov

You standing looking out the window on an airship heading to beacon. Just thinking how the hell you manage to get in here, all you do is save an old man and poof you suddenly invited to beacon.

Pyrrha: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Ahh, what?

Pyrrha: We're almost there. Hey what were you doing it's like you stressing over something

You just smile and shake your head

Y/n: nothing important

Your sister just looked at you with a questening look

Pyrrha: oh really? You sighing at most of the trip here

Y/N: fine!! I'm just thinking how I can get here this fast. I mean I must be the youngest student here

Pyrrha nodded and patted your back as ndwalked away.

Y/n: Hey, don't leave me!

Pyrrha: Than hurry up!

You sighed and started to follow her , you watched as your sister disappeared into the crowd of students waiting to get off the ship.

Y/n: Dammit

The students started to pile off the ship as you looked around trying to find out where Pyrrha ran off to. As you walked off the ship you looked over at a blonde hair boy throwing up into a trash can. You chuckled at the sight and walked over to him and patted him on the back.

Y/n: You okay there bud?

The blond man just nodded and resumed throwing up in the trash can. You laughed as you left him to look for your sister. You looked up at Beacon with amazement, that's when you bumped into someone.

???: Hey watch it

Y/n: Sorry!

The person you just bumped into drop her book. You manage to catch it before it hits the groud
You then looked at the person you bumped into, it was a girl with a black bow ontop her head.

Y/N: Sorry, I don't watch where I was going

You handed the book back to the girl who looked at you for a second than at two more girls arguing about something.

Bow girl: it's okay, just watch where you're going next time.

Y/N: noted. By they what are they arguing about?

You and the bow girl walked over to the others. you recognized one as Weiss Schnee. The other you had no idea who she was.

Red girl: I said I was sorry, princess!

Bow girl: Heiress actually

Y/n: Of the Schnee dust company if I'm not mistaken

The two girls looked in your direction.

Bow girl: Which is the largest producer of energy propellant in the world

Wiess: Finally, some recognition!

Y/n: Is it the same company with bad labor forces?

You asked the girl next to you.

Bow girl: *nods* And there questionably business partners

Wiess: what how dare-

The girl in the red giggled

Wiess: The nerve of you two-

Wiess got closer to the two of you getting madder and madder.

Wiess: Ugh!

Then, she just stormed off followed by a butler carrying her suitcases.

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