IY...F chapp11 (Skip me if you can read the first ch.11 :)

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Cassie's POV

I felt my whole body go rigid as Layna reminded me of the one thing I had tried to put behind me. Especially since I had a mate now, of course, she'll never forgive me for my choice. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and everyday I wake up and think- did I do the right thing? I have told the story over and over to so many people the words are forever engraved on my mind. Layna was right, I was a killer but I didn't mean for that night to go the way it did.

Besides Layna's brother was my first friend. So no, I didn't intentionally kill him. I wasn't the one who pulled the trigger either, it was my stupidity that killed him. It just sorta happened and before I could blink Blake was lying there, dead. I could close my eyes and see the course of events unfolding infront of me. So I relived the horrible tale, hoping it was the last time I had to say it.


"Blake stop it! We're on a mission here so get your head in the game and focus." I said with a smile on my face as we pulled up to our hotel for this mission. A Mariott, of course our training school only pays for the basics plus this was where our target was- or will be tomorow.

Harrison Beuregaurd. Pssh-with a name like that I would want someone to take me out. Anywho he was a rouge who started selling young human girls on the blackmarket for sex slaves. Our mission; take him down quietly. Easy-peasy for the two of us. Blake and I, we are partners in crime, I can always count on him being there for me when I need him.

Anywho Blake stopped danceing like the fool he is, and started getting out the staples of the mission. Our P.I.G.S; Passports- I.d.- Guns- Stories. The basics you see. Blake was incharge of all the PIGS of the missions and currently I was driving the get away vehicle.

Soon I had us parked and stepping into the lobby of the building. We checked in- the attendent a little to focused on blake for my comfort, but that quickly dissapered when he put his arm around me (holding our bags in the other hand- he was superduper strong!) and kissed my head. I watched as Holly (the attendent's name) looked between us before turning and glaring at me when Blake was signing the check in papers. Rolling my eyes, I told Blaze I would be in the bathroom, but we both knew I was going on a recon to memorize the building

27 floors. 5 elevators. 7 Stairwells. 54 windows that could be used for a possible escape. Our target. possibly 3,000 bystanders in the building.

Wait a minute. When my mind processed what I had seen I had already lost sighting. I looked around fraintically and watched as our target looked at a young girl walking out of the building following her shortly, his intent clear. My training at Bellsword (the acadamy she learned her skills at) told me to stay and report what I had seen to Blake. Instinct, told me to run after her and make sure she was safe from Harrison. I reached down and smiled as my hand curled around my favorite gun I kept in my boots, pulling it out I ran in there direction going where my instinct told me to go.

This was my first mistake.

Soon I could hear the deffinate sound of a girl being gagged and dragged. I rounded the cornor of an ally and stopped short. At the end of the ally was Harrison and 3 thugs holding a passed out girl. My blood turned at the sight of the thugs looking at the innocent girl in their arms and what they planned on doing to her. Harrison raised his gun, his eyebrow raised.

"What do we have here? Oh I knew they would send someone to come terminate me but I thought the person would look more- well- expirenced. Personally I am offended they send a girl." I took a breath refusing to let his words get to me. I needed to stay calm for this to work. I edged forward twords him.

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