First Shift

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Hey Squirts!

Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy!




Now being in the pack my entire life, and in training for 2 years of it, I've seen my fair share of shifting. The way my mate shifted made me wonder if I knew anything about it though. The air around him seemed alive with excitement, and gave an edge of magic that I couldn't even describe. I watched in awe as his bones and muscles stretched and compressed back into his human form.

His very handsome- very naked- human form. His amused eyes seemed to say 'I dare you to look'. I distracted myself by studying his face.

His human face was a lot like his wolf; midnight black hair tossed like he didn't care, and grey eyes stormy as ever and held so many emotions it nearly overwhelmed me.

'Keep your eyes on his, don't look down. Keep your eyes on his, don't look down.' I repeated to myself, stubbornly refusing his dare. Finally I could take it any more and did a quick glance of his entire body. Well, that's what I planned, but I couldn't stop staring, and I'm pretty sure my eyes bulged out.

He was huge!!

My eyes snapped up to his when I heard his musical laughter and saw his smug smirk that I wanted to smack off his face.

"Like what you see, little mate?" Oh my, his voice! It was rusty but at the same time could melt a heart of ice it was so silky. When I finally processed what he said my eyes turned into a glare. Was he picking on me? I wasn't the smallest girl since I had muscles and big bones. I have since I was born and have gotten used to fatty jabs, but it still stung coming from my mate.

So I did what any strong, independent women would say to her annoyingly cocky mate.

"Nah, I've seen better" I put my hand on my hip and cocked it to the side to emphasize my confidence. I grimaced in my mind when I heard how jokingly light it sounded. Apparently he didn't hear the teasing edge in my tone because his face contorted in fury.

"Who was it?! I'll rip him apart if he dared thought about touching was is mine!"

Wow, I forgot over-possessive male Were's are over their mates. But if I wasn't mistaken he was blushing and trying to cover himself (again I say TRYING yeah he was THAT big).

I reached down to the edge of my wrap and ripped the bottom half of it to mid-thigh. He watched me rip it, hungrily feasting on my bare legs. I rolled my eyes as I threw it at him; he was such a guy.

He covered the front of himself, took two strides to me, and pulled me into his arms. The sensation was electric, I felt protected in his strong hold.

"What's your name?" He sat us down with me in his lap, and I laid my head on his chest. He made an appreciative noise, which suspiciously sounded like a little moan.

"Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cass."

" I love it" He tried it out. I loved the way it rolled off his tongue, almost as if it belonged on there. The way he said it sounded like a sacred word and I felt honored that it was my name that sounded so perfect.

"What's yours?"


"Ryan... It suits you." Again, the name sounded perfect coming out if my mouth. I knew that he was the man that would always hold my heart, no matter if I held his or not.

Suddenly he stiffened,"Are you ready?" His voice was so worried it shook my soul that a person could feel so much for another, being as poorly antiquated with one another as we were.

"For what?" I was truly confused. We stood up facing each other holding both hands in the others.

"Your first shift. The full moon is in five minutes." I could tell he was trying to protect me from the details of the transformation. I had never learned about how to shift. You see, Were's have a strict tradition where your mate tells you how to shift for the first time. Guys have it harder because they don't have mates. Anyways Ryan took a step back, a determined look in his eye.

"Look you can't protect me okay? I'm strong enough to handle it so just tell me how to shift." He growled at that.

"I'll always protect you Cass." He said stepping back to me; if I reached my hand up I could see if his lips were really as soft as they looked.

"What I'm saying is that I need you to tell me how to do this and what to expect when it happens. I'm ready and need to know everything"

He sighed,"First you'll get sort of a numb feeling throughout your toes and fingers. Then that same feeling turns into cramping. Finally, a burning sensation will be under your skin throughout your veins. It'll want to get out and free itself and when you let it go you'll be a wolf. If you let it go to early, though, you'll die, and if you shift to late you'll never turn back human." he finished in a pain filled whisper, and I pulled him into a hug to try and end it. It hurt me to see him in pain.

"That's pleasant but what's to stop me from letting the fire go and shifting to early?" I had to lean back to see his face. Suddenly I got pins and needles in my toes and fingertips which started turning into painful cramps.

"Ryan, It's sta-" Which was all I could strangle out before I couldn't breathe anymore.

He pulled me tighter into his embrace.

The only thing running through my mind was: am I going to survive this?



So let me know what you think!!

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