The Fight

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'Cass, please, It's not what you think please listen to me' He desperately thought to me, I could tell he was in pain. Good he deserves it. I growled and snapped at him backing up.

' NO! You don't want me? FINE! I'll go find someone who'll love me and not think of me as extra baggage.' A mental image of Alec came to me; he had always said he would be a back-up mate if I never found mine. Ryan must've seen it because he growled and blocked my exit refusing to let me leave until he explained himself.

Why must God be so cruel?



"Move" I said in an icy tone, letting him know I was through with his games.

"Not until I explain Cass, I-" A twig snapped behind me and two wolves appeared from the bush. Ryan leapt over me, pushed me back, and got into a protective crouch issuing a warning growl. The big blonde one of the two strangers mirrored Ryan, pushing the other wolf behind him.

Even though I could barely breathe from the pain of knowing my mate doesn't want me, I still instantly recognized the smaller exotic looking brown wolf. I ignored Ryan's louder growl at me to stay behind him and walked around to Naomi, but when his jaw bit my tail I couldn't ignore that. I whimpered a little at the pain, but it wasn't as bad as my heartbreak.

Suddenly I understood how even the toughest wolves could die of heartbreak; it wasn't something I recommended.

Ryan realized the pressure but still held me and started moving his head to get me to move back. If the past five minutes hadn't happened I probably would've laughed at how funny he looked doing it.

'Cass get back, these are strangers and I don't trust them.' he said while keep attempting to push me behind him. Grr curse him for being so strong. Good thing I'm in training because I knew the weak point in wolves. I bit his ear roughly and he yelps, startled. Well he yelped as well as anyone can while still holding onto my tail.

'What the hell Cass? I'm trying to protect you! Get back!' Snarling at me, I suddenly felt the need to run away.

'Well I recognize one of the as my best friend, and if she's with him that means their mates. As far as trust, you're the only one who doesn't deserve mine.' I snapped back. His jaw dropped, freeing me. I turned back to Naomi, but not before I saw the hurt and just plain agony written clearly in his eyes.

You should've just run him through with a knife

Who are you?




Umm okay? Why would I do that?

It would've been less painful.

Now I understand the whole 'wolf side' 'human side' and being able to talk to your wolf. I wasn't sure which side was my wolf and which was my human, and I started getting a headache.

'I'll prove it to you; make you see that I want you, no that I need you. I don't know how but I'll win your trust back somehow' His thoughts were suddenly determined. I saw a quick image of him winning alpha, so that my wolf would know he was the best. He seemed to think that winning a stupid competition would win me back.

Well it would, wouldn't it?

No I have standards. Starting with guys who actually want me.

Well if he wins alpha, he put his neck on the line for you.

Yeah but he said he didn't want us what about that?

True but you have to admire his spirit's just like us.

Mentally rolling my eyes I had to admit that God did picked a good mate for me, but I would never admit that to him especially after today. Ryan turned around and disappeared heading back to where the alpha ceremony was.

Naomi nudged me with her snout, a concerned look on her face. 'Come on lets go see guys fighting over a title' Naomi saw I clearly didn't want to talk about my mate, and for that I was grateful.

The blonde wolf came over to us and motioned for us to run after him.

'We wouldn't want pretty girls lost in the woods now would we? I'm Cayden by the way, Naomi's mate.' He finished with pride in his voice and I felt a pang go through me knowing Ryan didn't feel the same way about me.

Naomi saw what he said affected me and as soon as we were in the clearing for the ceremony, she shoved him over. It was so unexpected the he feel into a puddle of mud. We both snickered and we went to the front, hoping to get good seats for the competition.

Suddenly I wasn't as excited as I was before to see this, what with Ryan in it and all. I saw him lined up with some other guys that I recognized. I saw Alec who was about to join them until I caught his eye. He trotted over to me, and nuzzled me, I was about to nuzzle back but Ryan's possessive growl stopped me. I looked over my shoulder and the sight that greeted me surprised me; two larger wolves were holding Ryan back from rushing over here. Why would he even care? He was the one who said he didn't want me.

Before that thought had time to bring the pain I looked back at Alec's face to see it fall as he said, 'You found your mate?'

'Yeah and he's a total ass' I replied showing him our conversation. Alec growled, 'I'll make him pay for that, he doesn't know how lucky he is getting you as a mate.'

Again I was glad for wolves not being able to blush because I would be beet red if I were human.

Alec turned away and went back to the competitors; they now totaled 9 males (including Ryan, Cayden, and Alec) who were going for the position of Alpha, Beta, and Delta. The three commanders of the pack would be decided tonight.

Alec and Ryan were having a glaring contest and I could feel the hatred coming off of them.

The howl rang out signaling the start as the wolves charged each other. I saw Ryan and Alec head dead straight for each other, aiming for blood.

This was going to be a long night.


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