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Alec and Ryan were having a glaring contest and I could feel the hatred coming off of them.

The howl rang out signaling the start as the wolves charged each other. I saw Ryan and Alec set dead straight for each other, aiming for blood.

This was going to be a long night.



I held my breath as Ryan and Alec collided, wincing when I heard the bone crunching noise that sounded throughout the clearing. I knew from other mates that when one mate is in pain, the other can feel it, but I'm not in pain so that meant Alec was hurt. That wasn't good either, even though he wasn't my mate, Alec was still my oldest friend besides Naomi.

I heard the snarls and growls of the furious wolves as they made quick and calculated swipes at each other with their claws. It looked like Ryan was winning and they both knew it. Then the tables turned, and I felt Ryan get hit. I sucked in a breath as I felt painful scratches on Ryan's arm. I also felt that he let Alec do that, it was all part of some master plan he had.

'Don't worry, this way I'm eliminating both problems by getting hurt.' He reassuringly said in my mind. My blood froze as I realized what he was saying. He was going to kill my best friend and then his wounds that he sustained would be to far gone to heal. Which means he would die. Just the thought of those stormy grey eyes being lifeless shook me to my core and I felt something inside of me snap.

'NO! Don't you dare let yourself. be killed! You can't do that PLEASE!I don't care if you don't want me, I care about you! ' I thought towards him. Funny how I was more concerned about the guy who broke my heart then the guy who stuck with me all through these years. At those words I felt his surprise and he faltered a step, why would he be surprised? I'm his mate of course I wouldn't want him to die! The past hour was totally forgotten on me as I started forward to go stop his madness, but Naomi held me back. I tried to push past her but her mate joined her. How did he get over here? He was just in the fight!!

Oh well I'll just have to try and talk him away from the edge of the cliff.

'Ryan think this through before you get yourself killed just for the sake of your pride.' I thought to him soothingly. I didn't expect his wolf to freeze on the clearing and drop to the floor and make a noise I could only describe as laughter. He was laughing at me? Why? While he was well distracted Alec came up behind him and put his mouth over Ryan's throat and squeeze. I couldn't help but feel as if he was squeezing the life out of me to, I thought as I fell to the ground.

I never anticipated what happened next.




Shit. Currently I am in the jaws of my enemy, while my mate thinks I don't want her, and she also thinks I want to kill myself. Why was I laughing? Because my mate looked so damn cute worrying about me. Plus, she thought I was being suicidal or something which I wasn't. I was letting Alec think he had me by getting a few swips in at me, and tiring him out all at once by letting him take the offense. See? Killing two birds with one stone, it's a classic battle strategy.

It was hilarious that my cute little mate thought I was going to give up on us after one argument.

Sure, that one little arguement hurt like hell, but she was my mate. How could I not fight for her? I always will, even at the cost of my life. Though, I wouldn't mind killing the little bastard who thought he could take my mate away, but it would hurt her, so I'm content with winning Alpha and making sure he knows who's in charge.

My wolf's lips curled into a smile. He like the sound of that. So I twisted out of my opponents grasp, spun, and kicked him hard with my hind leg with all the energy I had saved while taking the defence. I saw him go flying into a tree with a sickining crack, and was knocked unconcious. Wimp.

I heard a noise, that made my ears twich, which strangely sounded like howling. I turned my brain off wolf mode as I realized this pack was bowing and howling to me, in a respectful way. While Alec and I were fighting, the blonde wolf from the woods had takin down the other wolves in the competition, easily too by the looks of it. Apperently he hadn't wanted to get in between our fight for Alpha.Which meant I had won. I had done it!

I looked for my Cass in the crowd of the now standing wolves. One black haired she-wolf was trying to catch my eye and posture towards me with intention, but I only felt sick when I looked at her. I scanned the rest of the heads and still no beautiful red furred wolf. I let my paws hit the ground in frustration. Where was she? Was she okay? 

Suddenly I was knocked to the ground. I growled, fourious that I had been taken from my thoughts of my mate. I instantly stopped growling when I look into my attacker's captavating leaf-green eyes. I nuzzeld her neck, trying not to scare her away a second time. She suprised me by licking my face, turning and runing away with a mischivious grin on her beautiful wolf face.

I started after her, but was held back by the former Alpha of the pack. I issued him a warning growl as I went to walk around him. All I wanted, no needed, was to chase after Cass. She put all my senses, even in my wolf skin, go wild. The previous Alpha gave me a knowing smile and mind linked me, 'she went to the stage, don't worry son, thats where I'll hand over my position. You'll be with her soon enough.' 

I sighed, soon enough would be right now I thought as we made our way to the stage. Sure enough, as I hopped up onto the stage Cass was there. I stopped and growled at who she was talking to. Apparently, Alec had gotten up and made his way over here.

I was about to go over there and show no mercy as I tore him apparty but Cass saw me first and trotted over to me. God did she have to walk that sexy? Alec turned his head to watch her walk and I gave a possessive snarl at him. Cass was my mate, not his. She was for my eyes only. Cass, seeming to sense the tense atmosphere nuzzled me quickly, that was all I needed to calm down. Screw Alec he can pine all he wants as long as Cass only wants me.

The previous Alpha, Trevor, gave a long speech about responsiblity and looking towards the future, before he shifted and turned on his back. The ex-Beta and ex-Delta did the same. Cayden, Alec, and I stepped up to our rightfull spots and put a paw on their stomach, showing dominance. When It was over we all headed back to their pack house to eat. I grabbed Cass and pulled her to the side.

"I love you Cass, and I'm so sorry about what I said before I knew you. If you had been in my life before, I would've never have even thought those things, believe me. I know how bad I hurt you and from now on I'll always try and make it up to you, because you deserve someone good and worthy. That's who I'm going to be for you. Please forgive me for the things I said." I waited anxiously for her response.

Would she ever forgive me?


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