The end pt1.

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His objections intensified. The other knife leaving trails of oozing red behind wherever it scraped skin.

"You want me to stop?" His forehead glossed with sweat, droplets running down his blemished face. He nodded desperately. "But," She laughed. "You didn't stop when all the other girls asked you."

The knife tore across his chest and his body jerked forward, fingers clenching and unclenching at the pain searing through them. "You surely didn't stop when my mother asked you," she stabbed his thighs with two others. His screeches and wails increased. "You didn't stop when Eleanor asked you."

Two other knives pierced his arms. His curses turned to pleas.

Aurora pushed the chair and he plummeted to the floor, fastened to it with metallic blades. His back arched from the collision, finally able to spit out the cloth. "How did you get in here?" He wheezed.

She laughed. "As great as your security is, you need to be more cautious."

Mark was worshipped. His presence was beyond profitable to whoever sought wealth. So, no one dared harm him in any way. "You're not invincible unlike what you seem to think. Your dogs are getting wiped outside. Don't worry, you'll meet up together in hell." Her foot descended on his abdomen.

He coughed. "Who are you?"

Her leg pressed harder, her expression darkening. "If you haven't burned down our place that night, there'd have been more resemblance between us." She tutted, holding her gun to his chin. Her healed burns from that day ached. He stuttered.

"You're Joshua's daughter?" She laughed, humorlessly. I wish I was. To him, that's the only way they'd share physical similarities. Her eyes skimmed over him one last time. Same dark hair, albeit his greying a bit, fair skin, though his was covered in blood, and the same shape of nose and eyes. Her eyes were blue like her mother's. Mouth curvier, feminine, sweeter.

His eyes rolled back before he forced them to focus on her again. "How does it feel to have your own daughter threaten to kill you?" He gasped, struggling for air and words. "I know. Pretty outrageous, isn't it?"

Connecting the dots, Mark spluttered. "How...Eleanor...she wasn't!" His body thrashed. He'd always come stumbling in her room intoxicated, drunk or high. He never cared about nothing but himself.

Her irritation grew, anger boiling. Her fingers gripped his collar tightly, tugging, choking. He heaved, head reddening, veins prominent, stab wounds stretching.

A strangled scream satisfied her. The knives were pushed deeper inside and he squirmed in vain, his movements only causing more pain.

Chuckling, she forced the gun inside his mouth. "Of course, you wouldn't notice. Women are just toys, a release. We're no different than toilets to you. Whenever you get the urge, you just let it go. It's no wonder that you pee and fuck with the same...organ." Her nose scrunched up at uttering such words.

Her gaze roamed his appearance. "Why?" Her knees ached from crouching for too long. "Why did you kill your brother? If you didn't know about me, why did you do it?"

His chest rose and fell rapidly as he gathered the strength to reply. "I killed his mom. So, I thought that he took away my Eleanor." His?, she burst into laughter. He thought?, tears prickled at the edges.

"So, you killed your own brother because you thought he did it?" Her bum touched the floor as she crossed her legs. "I'm clearly wasting my time with your empty sex filled head, but, do enlighten me. How did you come to such conclusions?"

A hard expression glazed over his face. "I've always loved Madeleine. But, he took her from me. I loved my father. But, father loved Joshua more." He spat out. "I loved Eleanor. The next thing I know, she vanished. Then, years later-"

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