
47 9 14

14th August 2015;

"I see her, I see her!" The guy panted, pointing them to her direction. "She went this way."

The others followed suit behind him turning into a small dirty alley. It was dark, secluded and...empty.

"Where the fuck did she go?" One of them yelled, their eyes roaming the dim place. A light bulb, on top of the backdoor of some pub, flickered in the corner. "What are you waiting for? Look for her, fools."

There's six of them, she mused, perfect. With a smirk, her gloves-clad fingers wiggled clutching the rope tightly and jumping off one of the building's windows, landing in the middle of them. Their shooting grew frantic at the unexpected turn of events. 

Using the rope, she rolled on the floor dodging the bullets and wrapped it around the feet of two of them. One fell down face first. The other clung to her like second skin. She punched his nose and quickly grabbed her gun shooting him through the neck. Using him as human shield, she shot the other two. They groaned and fell to the ground before being graced with two more bullets to their vital areas.

"You fucking fools!" apparently he's their leader, she concluded. "Getting beaten up by some scrawny girl." He growled out in distaste. 

Throwing the guy at him, he faltered trying to avoid the collision and she took the opportunity to charge and knock him down. Scrawny girl your ass that is, she rolled to the side as the other stood up and grabbed her foot.

Groans and grunts filled the air, ridding the night of its usual stillness. Adrenaline coursed through her veins. As he attempted to drag her on the ground, she twisted her body and pushed herself up on her hands, then kicked his chest with her other leg. He stumbled away.

Quickly scrambling to her feet, the useless bossy wimp was attacked mercilessly. He'd grabbed his gun again and was aiming at her. Firing, one bullet penetrated her arm and the other hit his guy in the shoulder who was about to catch her. She yelped and stumbled back a few steps. He did not just shoot her. Shaking her head, she growled and made sure not to touch her wound.

His gun was empty now. He was starting to freak out, trying to reload in a messy hast only to end up spilling them as his hands shook. Not so strong now, are you?, she groaned at the pain. Eyes narrowing at him, her legs moved swiftly toward him. 

Dodging his frantic fists, she grabbed his hand twisting it then pulled him down and twisted his whole arm bending it in an awkward painfully-looking angle. He cried out in pain as the noise of the bones cracking could be heard. Her eye twitched. "Please, let me go. I won't kill you," as if you can, "I won't say anything. We'll let you go in peace. I promise. Please..." He kept begging shamelessly and she rolled her eyes, bringing her leg to his crotch. He wailed and her foot came down so hard on his ankle. 

As he screamed again, she felt satisfied with her work, totally unaware of the other guy creeping up behind her. He grabbed her neck and her body stiffened, her face turning red then blue. Her eyes burned from unshed tears and her lungs started to protest. Acting on an impulse, she let go of the whiny man's broken arm and grabbed the hair of the one choking her. So heavy, she grunted, wheezing. The veins in her neck popping.

Flipping him over her, he crashed down with a loud thud groaning. She gasped inhaling as much as she can, staggering trying to balance herself again. Grabbing the knife in her boots, she finished him off by slashing his throat. As his body convulsed, he grabbed his neck, eyes wide open. Turning around to the other guy who was limping away, she exhaled heavily, her ragged breath coming out in quick puffs. 

Stalking toward him, he tried to quicken his pace grunting and panting. He ended up falling to the ground. "Please," he begged as she towered over him. Her head cocked to the side, confusion and disgust filling her.

"You disgust me," she spat. Kicking his abdomen, she finished her work by stabbing him in the chest. Twisting the knife around enjoying his screams until he fainted. Stepping back, she swept the place around making sure they were all dead. Even if someone heard them, no one would dare sneak a peek. No one. Fearing for their lives, their families, their jobs. They were at the mercy of these people.

Ain't complaining right now though, she thought to herself. After all, this grants her all the privacy she needs. 

Leaning back against the wall looking up at the moonless sky, she calmed down her breathing as the rush ended , then dusted off her black leggings and tank top. Pain shot through her body and she jerked. The effects of the adrenaline were wearing off and exhaustion took over.  It ached all over, not being used to such exertion yet. But, she was used to feeling pain and dealing with it.

Freeing her hair from the elastic tie, she fluffed it with her uninjured arm then headed to her motorcycle. Opening the seat cover, she dropped her gloves, the knife and the gun in a plastic bag putting them inside. 

Taking out an old shirt, she leant to the side gasping while applying pressure with it on her wound. Need to get that fixed as soon as possible. After securing her injury with some tape, the leather jacket along with the helmet were put on. Blending with the night where she fit right in, her bike purred lowly taking off. Her hair whipped wildly behind her, as dark as the sky. 

That was some good practice, she thought to herself.

Police cars drove past her, their sirens deafening and annoying. Some brave soul must've alerted them. Took him a while, she scoffed, must've been hard to make such a decision. He'd be dead by tomorrow, though

As one of the cars neared her, she couldn't shake off this feeling that someone was looking at her, or maybe she imagined it. Paranoia perhaps, after what just took place. But, as her eyes drifted to the vehicle landing on the guy sitting shotgun, her suspicions were confirmed. She was unable to see anything other than the outline of his body, though. But, he was looking at her. 

Shuddering, she picked up her speed a little bit and disappeared in the darkness, muttering under her breath how the police was always late. But this time, she didn't mind. She didn't mind at all.

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