The beginning.

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5th February 2012;

The road was bumpy, that's for sure. The whole vehicle shook, almost falling apart. The ride turned out longer than she expected.

Her shoulder itched. Unable to reach it with her tied hands, her chin did the job. Albeit, poorly.

Suddenly, the car jolted to a screeching stop. Her ears bled. "Hey, man. Get the girl from the trunk."

She heard heavy footsteps before a click then she was being hauled out. Dragging her across the uneven ground, pebbles, branches, dirt dug in her skin, clinging to her.

"Laissez-moi, s'il vous plait! Merde. Please. Let me go!" Her fruitless muffled pleas stopped after being thrown against the wall. She groaned.

"Ain't she a firecracker? French people, I tell you."

"Wait till she's tossing in the sheets. Bro, I'll deal with her grumpiness forever if I just get to put my baguette in her croissant." He roared with laughter, slapping the table, at his lame pun.

She tensed, her whimpers intensifying.

His friend rolled his eyes, amusement shining in them. "Shut up, Drew. We'll have to examine her first. Virgins sell out big. Oh, man, we'll make a fortune."

"How do you know?"

"She looks like a prude." Another outburst as they walked out.

Tears wetted her cheeks, dampening the tight blindfold. What did I get myself into?, her body curved into a ball. Well, as much as her bound limbs allowed her to. The last thing she remembers was asking some guy for directions, sharing a cab together and next thing she knows a cloth was pressed to her face.

Later, she woke up in the trunk of some squeaky car.

They could've simply asked her. But, whatever. After the doctor checked her out, much to her discomfort, they confirmed her 'purity'.

Then, they proceeded to taint it with their filth.

Thrown into a world of slavery, trafficking, prostitution, she was too overwhelmed, swamped with immorality and obscenity.

Girls younger, older, of all walks of life, were huddled together. Distraught, dull, lifeless. They'd keep them in one place for a couple of months before moving to another location. Some were bought along the way. Brothels, excited loners, freaks, rich people.

Her lack of curves put her below the food chain. The buyers preferred fuller, thicker, curvier females. At first, she was delighted. Maybe they'd forget about her. But, that didn't last long.

To preserve her virginity, her hymen was left intact. Yet, that didn't stop them. 'Women have two holes for a reason' was the first guy's reasoning before he proceeded to rip her remaining dignity to shreds.

Beads of sweat would mingle with her tears before gliding down her marred skin. She learnt to swallow her pained screams because it either brought more unwelcomed company or fueled them to roughen up their assault.

She considered ending her life, but, couldn't go through with it. Her mom taught her to never give up. So, hoping was all that kept her alive. Fake optimism and false dreams was what kept her shell of existence going.

It was hard to move with abducted girls. So, selling them took time. Auctions were held every New Year's eve for the loaded traffickers to pick a personal toy. This year, she was offered.

They wanted to get rid of her. Plus, she was still a virgin which meant plenty of cash.

Pampering, painting her face, dolling her up in nothing but skimpy lingerie, a satin cloak covered her hair, face and body. It rippled behind her as they towed her out.

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