Part 41

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Izuku looked around him as the Nomu he was riding on began to screech. He lifted his foot and kicked it in the head. It screeched once more and did a roll I'm the air. Throwing him off it's back.

Fortunately for him they just so happened to be flying over an apartment building. He landed on the roof with a roll. He stopped rolling once he was on his back. He stared at the sky for a good minute.  He saw it all now, Ben was a genius after all. He knew that if he had done this alone with just the Sinister 4, then every police officer and hero around would come after him alone. So, he asked the league of villains to release some Nomu so the heroes would be scattered and have their hands full dealing with Nomu.

Ben was a true genius. A true genius that was gonna go to jail tonight. Izuku thought about Michiyo and began to cry again. He rolled onto his stomach before propping himself up on his knees. Staring at the city as he cried. This brings us back to where we were before.

Now, let's continue with the story.

Izuku stood off his knees and walked toward the edge of the building. He looked at his crushed wrist, then at his broken arm. He couldn't swing. Now what. Have you ever heard of a SpiderPerson that can't swing from a web. I thought so. Izuku then heard cars engine. Looking down the road, he saw a car coming up the road. Who would be crazy enough to drive at this time. He squinted as he saw...Paige. Of course, the person he labels as crazy has to be his girlfriend.

Wait, she's in a car, she can get me to UA

He thought as he quickly thought to go to UA. "Paige!!" He yelled. She didn't seem to notice though. "Paige!! Damnit, she can't hear me. She's gonna drive right past"  he said aloud. He had to think fast.


Paige was driving straight to Nara Labs. Swerving between cars on her way there. She was determined to turn the bomb off. She had too.

She looked at the car I'm front of her, it had just been abandoned like a lot of other cars. She turned left to dodge the car when- CRASH💥‼️

She immediately stopped thw car when she saw something black land on the car. On closer inspection, she saw that it was Izuku. She immediately got out the car and ran to him. He was lying on top of the hood of the car. A bit of the windshield was broken, making pieces of glass land on him. The hood had folded in from his weight. He grunted as he rolled off the hood and onto the floor. "Izuku!" Paige yelled as she grabbed him. "That's my name...don't wear it out" he said. "We need to get you to a hospital" she said as she put him the passenger seat of the car. "No, we need to go to UA" he said. "Why?" She asked him as she switched gears. "Just trust me" he breathed out. "You look like crap" she said as she began driving to UA. "Sure, because that's what every boyfriend wants to hear from their girlfriend" he said, resting his head on the window.

"I'm serious Izuku" she said. "I know, but you know how I like to make jokes in tense situations" he spoke as he closed his eyes. Paige gave him a glance , before looking back at the road. "You know this isn't my car. And those are leather seats. That blood isn't gonna come out easy" she said casually. Izuku lifted his head off the window and turned it to face her. Opening his one eye to stare at her. "Sorry, I just wanted to try the jokes thing" she said and smile with a shrug. Izuku then began to laugh. "It's cool, it was funny" he said and went back to the position he was in before.


Arriving at UA, they left the car and Paige helped Izuku walk inside by putting his one arm around her shoulders. Once inside, they immediately saw a bunch of civilians all around. "What's going on here?" Paige asked as she saw kids, old people, teens and other age groups of people. "I don't know, let's just go see Recovery Girl" he said. Paige nodded and carried him in the directions he said. They made it to Recovery Girls office and Paige placed Izuku on the bed that was there. "Can you go get Recovery Girl" he asked her and she nodded. Leaving the room and wondering around the school to find her. She finally found her in the school hall, treating injured civilians. "Recovery Girl"Paige said. Signalling the women. She turned away from the patient she was helping after fully wrapping a bandage around the pregnant ladies leg. "You'll be fine now ma'am" She said, turning back to face her. Kissing her cheek. The women began to calm down as her husband looked at Recovery Girl will relief evident in his eyes. "Thank you" he said as he kissed his wife. She kissed back weakly and Recovery Girl nodded.

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