Part 31

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He was nervous. He didn't know what to expect from this meeting. The man rubbed his head of sweat as he turned the corner into an alleyway. Looking behind him for anyone following. He took of his jacket and fanned himself with his hand. He was gonna meet him. Who wouldn't be nervous to meet him. The person this man was going to meet was Spider-Man himself.

The man had jet black hair that seemed to be slicked back by some gel and emerald green eyes. Wearing a pair of jeans with a snow white shirt. (the colour snow white. Not the actual princess) his coat in hand and silver watch on his wrist. He had on a pair of grey sneakers as well. You see, this man was about to meet Spider-Man after Spidey reached out to him on Facebook. Sending him a message to meet at a certain address. When he tried to reply to it, it said that their was no account to send the message back too. Meaning the Spider-Man hacked Facebook, just to send him a message. Now at first, he was happy. He could chew Spider-Man out for breaking his camera a couple of days ago.

I mean, that camera was of good quality and it didn't come cheap. But, now that it was actually happening. Now that he was actually gonna meet the web swinger/slinger himself. He stared to become nervous. Spider-Man didn't state what they were going to talk about. He just gave an address and said that he wants to talk.

The more he thought about it, the more he wondered about it. What if Spider-Man decided to beat him up. Chew him out for taking his photo.

The man's head raced with possiblity's of what Spider-Man might say. And that's why he was nervous. What was he to do if Spider-Man flipped out on him. I mean, he's taken on pro heroes and survived for peat sake!! What chance would he have?

Looked around him to make sure that he wasn't being followed by anyone once more. That's another thing. Spider-Man was technically a criminal. So wouldn't meeting him make the man an accomplice. "Maybe I shouldn't meet him" he said as ge rubbed the back of the his head. But, it was too late to say such things now. He had already made it to the place they were meeting up. He looked around and noticed that he was inside a run down building. Broken windows, dust everywhere, rats running around.

This looked the perfect place to kill some without others knowing. "I'm leaving!" The man yelled and began running toward the exit. "Oh, you actually came" he heard the voice. He stopped in his tracks and turned to see Spider-Man hanging upside down from a web. "Eehhh! Spider-Man! I uh, I was just leaving" he said and tried to run. "Wait!..."he heard.

He stopped and turned to see Spider-Man put himself up right and stand on the floor. The man began to sweat even more now. What was Spider-Man gonna do? Was he gonna attack him?

The man took a stance, ready for a fight. "Calm down, it's not like that. I just wanted to say. I'm sorry for breaking your camera" the man's eyes widened in shock at this words. "W-What?" He asked. "I wasn't in the right mind when I did that, I-I had a little bit of a problem. At the time and I took it out on you. I'm sorry, so I came here to apologize and ask how much that camera costed so I could pay you back" Spider-Man said and reached for his hip. That's when the man noticed that he had a wallet webbed onto his hip.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He wasn't expecting this at all. Spider-Man was here to pay him back, for his broken camera. This is a surprise. "This should be enough right" he asked as he pulled out 20 000¥. He stretched out his hand to give him the money. The man simply stared wide eyed. "What's wrong?" Spider-Man asked. The man shook his head and looked at the money. "I...I just wasn't expecting this. I thought you'd flip out on me but..." The man said.

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