Analysis Thirteen

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The morning came by almost too quickly for Eren as he was barely awake for any of his classes, by the time he was in his free period he was in a deep sleep. Armin took notice of this and turned to face the brunette and Mina.

" What's wrong with him? He never sleeps in class, even for all the trouble he gives the teachers, this is a first."

" It's about the investigation, he doesn't want me to tell anyone any more info than that. Sorry, but maybe you can ask him when he's awake... and not cranky."

" What, can he not trust me?"

" It's not that, look it's difficult to explain, you just have to ask him yourself."

" Fine." The blonde turned back around to finish his homework.

Mina, however, was starting to understand why Eren was so stressed, but what caught her attention was that in his notebook was a page full of different sketches of Levi. She was a bit concerned as one of them involved the brunette with the murderer, but what really set her off about the picture was that the brunette drew himself as a killer. Or she was over thinking things. She heard Eren groan and watched him stretch his arms in front of him before relaxing in slowly opening his eyes.

" Hey sleepyhead, you feeling okay?" Mina asked.

Eren simply nodded and lay his head atop his arms again, keeping his eyes open. He seemed focused on the drawings in his open notebook, and he didn't seem fazed by anyone seeing them. Mina leaned into his ear to tell him about it.

" Eren, I think you should close your notebook before someone sees those." The girl pointed to the notebook and Eren sat up.

The brunette sluggishly started to close his notebook but stopped. All day he thought about what he'd say to Levi when he went back to give his answer, and he came to a decision. He looked at the drawings one last time before closing the notebook and putting it in his bag. He looked straight ahead of him and saw Armin working on his work, something made the brunette reach in front of him to touch the blonde's back, getting his attention.

" Oh, Eren, you're awake? How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

" Calm down, I'm fine, but I want to talk to you. Have a minute?"

" Sure."

" Right then, Mrs Kirstein! Armin and I will be back, we're getting something for our project!"

The teacher simply waved her hand for them to leave the room for whatever they were going to do. Eren led the blonde to the janitor's closet and the both of them went inside.

" Okay so you wanted to talk?"

" I heard you and Mina, and I can understand your concern, but this isn't something I can just share. If you want to doubt me then you can, but just know I'm doing this to protect you guys."

" So you choose to tell Mina and not me?"

" I haven't told her much, she's just as much in the dark as you are. I'm going to him, Armin. I need to find out what his motives are."

" Wait, are you saying that you're seeing this killer?! Who is he?!"

" I can't tell you, and this time it's under strict orders from the police. I'm sorry Armin."

" And what about those drawings of yours? Are they of that murderer?"

Eren remained silent as he didn't want to continue this conversation anymore as to him it seemed as though things would get much worse between the two. The brunette simply leaned back against the shelves and listened to his friend say what was on his mind.

Sociopathic Killer [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now