Analysis Four

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The teenager ran as fast as his legs would allow him and frankly he had to thank Mina for being so athletic even in the winter and her training, but he knew that this wasn't going to be just a chase. With a killer like the one chasing the brunette, there's more to it than just chasing. So if Eren was going to try to escape from the killer he would have to outsmart him in his own game, and as of right now the teenager knew he was playing right into the killer's hands by running. He'd need to keep running until he came up with a plan, or until he made it to a clearing where he could call for help. For now he had to run. He could still hear the laughing of a maniac but it was more of an echo all around him, he looked back to see if the killer was still after him, but he wasn't. The next thing that happened happened all too fast. When he turned to face what was ahead of him, he ended up on the ground looking up at the night sky. He tried to breathe in the cold air but he realized that he had lost his breath from landing hard onto the ground, he blinked and his vision had focused on a black mass above him. Eren could feel the weight of someone atop him and when his vision cleared his eyes went wide. As soon as he had regained what ever air he'd lost he started fighting back, but was soon stopped when he heard a gun being cocked.

" I wouldn't do anything if you know what's good for you. Those police investigators sure do get to the bottom of things, but yes. I use a very special kind of drug that paralyzes who I want dead."

" Why did you kill Thomas?! Why?!"

" Isn't it obvious, because it was for my entertainment."

" ! You kill just for the fun of it?... That's insane!! Let me go!!!"

" Now we both know I can't do that, and besides I feel as if I've seen you somewhere else. Not when I killed Thomas but sometime before..."

Eren knew what he was talking about, he was trying to remember Mikasa's death. She was a strong, smart, and an independent girl whom Eren dated before Mina. She was also the first victim to die to this killer's hands, and ever since then he'd been trying to get his education and train for the day he could join the police. So he could send this murderer to prison for life. The brunette grit his teeth as he didn't want this sociopath to speak of that time he watched him kill Mikasa, but that one wish didn't come true.

" Ah! Of course! You were the one who was dating my cousin, Mikasa Ackerman. I do have to admit, her death was accidental but I made up for it by making her the most beautiful of them all. Think of her as a nice little present for you!" The psychotic male burst out laughing after his words.

Eren took this opportunity to use one of the defensive moves he learned over the past summer and pinned the killer to the ground, his gun in the brunette's grasp. He put the gun in his bag and took out his phone to call the police. The ringing stopped and the panicked teenager started to speak.

" 911 what's your emergency?"

" This is Eren Jaeger, I've caught the killer behind the school shootings at Ex Scout High."

" What?! We're sending the police investigators to your location now, however you've got to keep him there for about ten minutes. We'll send an ambulance there too just in case."

" Just hurry, I don't know how long I can keep him pinned down."

" We're doing all that we can, try to hold him as long as possible."

The phone call ended but he decided to call Mina to tell Armin about this, however when he tried to call her she didn't pick up. He could feel the teenager under him try to loosen his grip on him so Eren tossed his phone into his bag and held him tightly. Since he was with the killer who'd killed most of the people he cared about he decided to do his own interrogation.

" Tell me, what was the real reason you killed Mikasa? You said she was your cousin and the only one at our school who was her cousin disappeared from our school all of a sudden after two weeks. The one who left was Levi Ackerman and he was a friend of mine, so my question is this. Are you Levi?"

" Looks like you figured out a lot on your own, is your father a policeman or something? I'll tell you one thing about you is that you haven't changed, you damn brat."

" Answer me god damnit!"

" It should pretty obvious with what I had just told you, but I'll spell it out for you. Yes, I'm Levi Ackerman."

The brunette went from wearing a strict and serious face to wearing a despondent expression. He was so conflicted on how he should have felt at the moment and as such his grip loosened a bit. Levi took this opportunity to wriggle his captor off his fragile body, throw him against the wall, and grab his gun from Eren's bag. He aimed his gun towards the teenager and put his finger on the trigger.

" Sorry but I'm not ready to accept such a punishment like being placed inside a white room and wait for my sanity to snap. No, not yet. So this is farewell for now, Eren Jaeger."

Eren hurriedly tried to stand up but he fell on his knees and fell over on his side. The pain was unbearable and he could feel his blood pooling out from his body slowly. His consciousness was slipping from him as heard the sirens of the police and ambulance coming close. His eyes shut when he saw Erwin Smith running over to him with the others behind him running after Levi. That was all he could see before he went unconscious.

AN: Here's the fourth chapter!!! It was kind of hard to write the chase scene but what ya gonna do? Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

...To Be Continued...

Sociopathic Killer [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now