Analysis One

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" This is just in from New York City, police investigators have identified seventeen-year-old Thomas Wagner as a victim of the recent school shooting at Ex Scout High. Head police investigator Erwin Smith is currently at the scene of the murder. Erwin thank you for joining us."

" Thank you Petra, we are currently interrogating all the students about the shooting and about Thomas Wagner. So far we have eliminated three students of whom were closest to the victim, though they won't confirm what we ask we will continue the investigation for the sake of the student's and parent's safety."

" It's hard to believe that this has been the forty-ninth shooting within the area, and many are questioning whether or not the police are even capable of bringing in the one behind the shootings. Some are even going as far as saying that the police are unreliable. What do you make of that?"

" Well the people may be right seeing as these shootings have only started last year and the culprit has not been caught yet, however we are advancing in new technologies to help us in taking him down."

" You say "him." Does this mean that with these new technologies you've identified the culprit as male?"

" That is correct Petra. Not only do we know the culprit's male, we also know that he is somewhere in his mid teens. So his motivations behind his killings may be easy to identify as well. Though we have this information, we do not know of his family origins or his behavior. Nor do we know if his killings are a sign of something we cannot yet comprehend, as we know, all the shootings have been within the school area. With the information we have now and the more advanced technologies we receive, the police investigators will be able to calm the residents near or within this region."

" Hopefully with this new information the citizens of the region these shootings have occurred will calm them. In the mean time we will continue to bring you more updates on the case."

" I would like to point out one more piece of information if I may."

" Would you please share it with us Head Investigator?"

" All the men and women who are working in this investigation, myself included, have thought about his killings and if we could find any similar circumstances. As we looked back at the past cases of this killer's shootings, we have determined what may be his prompt behind them. And we may have found a way to find a list in which many would call a "hit list" and have come to a conclusion on who his next target is. This killer uses a very skilled tactic in each and every one of his killings. We have found that each victim was shot with a very precise intravenous shot with a very strong paralysis drug, though the shots varied on the body, they were of the same circumstance. After which the killer would come out of hiding and use his victims however he pleased. Based on this we have come to see that one personality trait is obvious, and based on that we have given him a name. The Sociopathic Killer."

" By announcing this do believe that the police will be able to apprehend the culprit now after saying all this? Do you believe that the culprit is watching this program at this very moment?"

"  I have no doubts that he is watching this as he is a sociopath and wants nothing more than to kill for his own pleasure and to see his so-called "art" on the live programs. And you're right Petra, after revealing all this new information he may change his tactics if he's highly intelligent. After investigating the whereabouts of the drugged bullet in the victims, it's safe to assume that he has that kind of intelligence. He has to have a steady hold of the gun to get a precise shot in the veins of the victim before he does anything else, and seeing that he's still kid, if he'd missed his first shot he'd surely get messy."

" Thank you Erwin for joining us today and sharing this new information with us all. As you wrap up the investigation we will be eagerly awaiting any new information you can gather from the students. This was just in from WOF."

It was dark and damp in the room after the killer turned off the T.V. He was annoyed but happy at the same time. Annoyed because he'd need to change something in the way he kills, and happy because he got to have his artwork displayed on television for all to see. Though he had to wonder who the three students were, so he'd have to wait and see later in the day. The teenager laid down on the tattered couch and sighed.

"Gosh, they sure do make a big deal out of all this. What's the point anyway? One small murder out of millions who are dying elsewhere in the world, and they expect for me to change my way of killing just because they revealed my tactic? Tough luck for you, but the only change I'll make is who I kill next."

He thought that if he mixed up the way he chose his victims that it would bring the police investigators to a halt if only for a short time. He was lucky so far that the students haven't been asked if he used to go to Ex Scout High or not, but he'd have to go back and erase any and all traces that he was indeed a student there. The teen sat up and looked at the clock, it read 10:32. Ten minutes of viewing his artwork on screen, not exactly the longest but he was pleased all the more. He stood up and looked for his gun, when he found it he started to clean it with a damp rag. Though he'd get messy with his first killings he would always complain to himself when he got home from the event, but he would always were a great big grin on his face when he saw and smelled the blood.

For as long as he could remember, he always knew that he was different from the other kids. When he'd see someone get hurt or when he saw blood from scrapes on the other kids, he'd feel a weird excitement and ended up wearing a big smile. At first it started with him visiting the school nurse in elementary school, then the nurses at a hospital in middle school, and when he had entered high school last year he was the one making the other students get hurt and bleed. It started with hand-to-hand fights after school and after that the fights got more serious, the kids who were in their senior year started picking on him and fighting him with switch blades. Even though they were much more stronger than him, he was quicker, nimbler, and smarter. However, if there was one single murder he regret the most, it was the murder of his younger cousin.

He'd gotten over it but when he looked back at all the murders he'd committed he'd always look back to the first life he took. After her he'd killed off his entire family, leaving only himself as the last of the Ackermans. And so he swore to himself that he would carry on until he could longer find pleasure in these killings. If he got caught, he'd kill to get out. He wasn't going to be detained if that meant he'd be stuck in a white cell losing his sanity to his craving to kill. He tossed the rag onto the couch and aimed for the target on his wall.

" If they ever catch me, I'll make sure I have someone to get me out."

He pulled the trigger and shivered, wearing a big smile on his face.

" And then I'll kill them~ Hmpftwahaha!~"

AN: First chapter up, I'm going to be writing the first chapter to all my new stories I put up so far and if I'm up for it I'll finish the next chapter for Artist's Hands. Also, I'm debating if I should just write my yaoi fanfics and get rid of the other stories. Cuz as of right now I don't want to continue writing them cuz there aren't many reads and they're kinda crappy. So if you could please do some kind of vote in this AN about what I should do then that would be greatly appreciated. I'll see you in the new story!!!

...To Be Continued...

Sociopathic Killer [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now