Should've Deleted the Search History

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**Sorry for the shorter than average chapter. I just wanted to post a little something while I had the chance <3 Enjoy this fluffy chapter and if you haven't yet, check out the story NikoleKnight and I have been writing on our co-author account SummersKnight called, The Death Games!**

Tossing the documents in the trash the moment I stepped through the door of my apartment, I sighed in exhaustion. There was absolutely no way I would accept the job from the Blackbourne team. I was desperate, but there were some things worse than being on the streets.

I would rather take my chances.

Raking my hands down my face, I locked my door and stumbled to my bed. I fell asleep before my head hit my pillow and dreamt of being chased down the street by a giant, gray violin.

When I woke, the air was chilly enough to see my breath since I never used the heat, and I padded to my bathroom for a warm bath to warm my frozen limbs. After slipping inside, I reached for the zipper of my dress, maneuvering awkwardly to get the garment off of me. It was a pretty dress, and despite the urge to keep it, I knew I couldn't. I would donate it to Goodwill first thing in the morning.

Twisting the handle all the way to the left, I watched as steam rose from the rising water. 

Slipping inside the scalding bath, I tried to let the hot water cleanse the day away. Maybe I would be lucky enough and I would wake from this horrible nightmare. 

But as my luck would have it, I didn't wake up no matter how hard I scrubbed my skin raw with cheap soap, no matter how warm I heated the water until my body reddened.

And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the Blackbourne team out of my head. I just didn't understand why they were so interested in me. I was the same Sang as I had always been, quiet and reserved. I had found the perfect balance of blending in with my coworkers and peers. How was I supposed to do that again? I was already walking a dangerous line, never knowing when the police would show up at my door and haul me to jail. 

Shivering, I pushed those thoughts from my mind. I had done some bad things, terrible things. But I couldn't dwell on them because it only made me sick to my stomach. And I refused to lose my lunch.

For the next several hours, I drained and topped the bath with fresh hot water, letting my hands and feet prune and my hair stick to my sweaty forehead.

My brain warned me of the dangers of staying here in Seattle, especially after this week. Sure, I had made a comfortable life, but in a blink of an eye, it had changed because of a poor life decision. I didn't know what I was going to do now, but leaving sounded like the best option.

The more people who invaded my life, the more likely my secrets would be uncovered.

The doorbell rang to my apartment, jarring me from my thoughts, and goosebumps rose on my skin despite the temperature of the bathtub. With my heart hammering and my muscles tensed with fright, I carefully drained and exited the tub. After donning my towel, I held my breath and tip-toed to the door to peek out of my peep hole.

Karen waited outside the door, her face tight with worry as she raised her hand to knock.

Unlocking and wrenching the door open, I grabbed Karen's arm and yanked her inside.

"Sang?" she asked in shock, but I ignored her as I finished bolting the apartment again. Despite what I told myself, I didn't feel safe in my apartment anymore. I never had, but with Luke's break in, I was even more doubtful.

Her face was flushed when I turned back to her in frantic relief, and I waved her farther inside with what must have been a crazed smile. "Hi, Karen. What brings you over?"

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