The Gray-Eyed Stalker

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*Thanks to everyone for sticking with me! I ended up spraining my left wrist several weeks ago, and it caused a lot of other issues (like injuring my right wrist from over-compensating at work). So I haven't been updating/writing much. My wrists still hurt, but that's more because I'm still working at a job which puts a lot of strain on them. I put in my notice, though, and my last day is in the middle of January! Yay! So I'll be able to finally heal, and it won't hurt to push open doors anymore :) I know update day is just around the corner, but I couldn't bring myself to wait! So, sorry (but not really), but you get this chapter now instead of December 15th. Happy reading! :)**

The elevator ride to my floor was filled with anxiety. Karen was always cool and collected. On the phone, though, she sounded panicked.

The elevator dinged as we reached my floor, and I exited it swiftly. Most of the cubicles were empty, and I wondered where everyone went.

Rounding the corner to my department, I stopped. The area was filled with workers, both from and not from my team. Murmurs and whispers spread across the room like ripples in water. I tried to get closer, but it was near impossible with the crowd.


At Karen's voice, most of the crowd turned their heads to look at me. I cringed. I didn't expect the attention.

Karen shoved through the crowd and grabbed my hand. Her concerned, brown eyes found mine. "Don't freak out, okay? We'll figure it out."

What did she mean? What did we need to figure out?

The crowd parted for us this time, and once I made it to my desk, I found out why I had drawn so much attention.

Several members of the security team stood around my desk while Mr. Hendricks spoke on his phone. An empty box was held against his side.

Upon my arrival, Henricks glanced up with apathetic eyes and hung up the phone. He handed the box to me before glancing at the time on his watch. "You have fifteen minutes to pack up your things, Ms. Sorenson. Anything that isn't packed up by then will be left at the front desk for you to get later."

"What? Why?" I asked, dumbfounded. I knew why they packed employee's belongings away, but my brain didn't want to comprehend the situation. Was I really being fired right now?

Hendricks face lit up with a smug grin. "Well, if you had come to my office after the meeting, you would know. Because of your unprofessional attitude in the work place, such as leaving when you're scheduled to be at work, you are being let go. You now have fourteen minutes."

My legs seemed frozen, especially with all the stares still on me. My face burn in mortification.

With numb fingers, I grabbed the box and started packing up my things. I wished the others weren't around, but I knew that Hendricks wanted to have a show. He knew exactly what he was doing and was making sure I was as embarrassed as possible.

I didn't have many belongings, so it only took me a couple minutes to pack up everything I had at my desk. Two of the security guards stood on either side of me and escorted me through the crowd. They were huge, and it made the entire situation more unnerving to have them as an entourage.

Keeping my gaze downcast to hide from the unwanted attention, we made our way to the elevators. As we passed by the cubicles, hushed whispers followed after me, the words biting. The guards brought me all the way down to the lobby doors where I hesitated.

I didn't have anywhere to go. Sure, I was staying at Karen's, but would she still be okay with that after this? Would she feel awkward? I didn't want to bother her.

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