The Business Deal

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It felt like my unlucky fate was sealed as the conference room door clicked closed behind me. My gaze flitted around the room in horror, wondering, not for the first time, just what I had gotten myself into.

"Um," I started, my eyes meeting Corey's cerulean blue ones across the table, though it threw me off when I noticed a second Corey right next to him.

Huh, I guess he's a twin.

Beside him sat Raven, appearing so different from the other night. He wore a simple white button up that covered all of his tattoos, though he'd left his piercings in place.

Marc, who had been sitting lazily in his office chair, perked up when he saw me. He waved at me, though even if my arms weren't full of junk food items, I didn't think I would be able to wave back. Not when I could barely process what was happening.

What in the world? Did they all work here?

A throat cleared and I glanced quickly towards the head of the table where Mr. Toma and Mr. Blackbourne sat directly across from one another. A lone seat was positioned between them at the head, but it was currently empty. Had he said something?

"Is there something that you needed, Miss Sorenson?" Mr. Blackbourne asked, cocking a single brow. North shot him a quick look before turning his dark eyes in my direction. Wanting to avoid him at all cost, I turned my attention to the other side of the table where Mr. Toma sat.

Mr. Toma sat straighter in his seat and his shoulders seemed to relax some. He sent me an acknowledging nod and I sent one back without a word.

There were several other men and they all seemed to congregate on Mr. Blackbourne's side of the table, which I absently thought was a little ridiculous. Seated beside North was a man I recognized from when I'd returned the wallet, but I didn't know his name. Now that I was able to see him better, the thought crossed my mind that he looked like someone who might as well have come out of my Art History textbooks. His olive skin was smooth over the defined angles of his handsome face and full lips turned up at the corners as North muttered something under his breath.

A man with black framed glasses and rich brown hair sat nestled between a guy with reddish-brown hair and baby blues and another fellow with wavy brown hair. All three of them were sporting matching, curious expressions as they watched the scene in front of them.

This was not my day.

"Miss Sorenson?" Mr. Blackbourne asked again, his voice holding a hint of humor.

"Oh, um," I turned to Sean for help, but he simply smiled as he dropped his pile of goodies on the table. Apparently, he wasn't going to assist me. "I was just helping carry these for Sean."

He leaned forward on his elbows, his hands folded neatly beneath his chin. "Oh?" He turned to face Sean. "I told you we didn't have pie, Dr. Green. I don't know why you didn't believe me. And besides, we're supposed to be having a business meeting, not gorging ourselves on junk food."

Sean shrugged and started taking the treats from my arms and tossing them on his pile. "If I'm stuck sitting here while you two-" he indicated Mr. Blackbourne and Mr. Toma, "puff out your chests to show who's the biggest, baddest boss in all the land, I deserve to have a little something to tide me over."


I glanced at the two men, realization smacking me upside the head.

They were the CEOs of B&T Industries.

Okay, yeah, this was definitely not the place I wanted to be.

The door opened again, revealing Mr. Hendricks.

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