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Now, I love a cute couple as much as the next person, but there are some things couples do that are so annoying and cheesy.

1. Calling each other their "everything". Seriously, that got old a LONG time ago. If you are so emotionally attached to your significant other that you cannot function without them, maybe you need a psychiatric evaluation (and I am not one to recommend therapists). Any time I see someone post "He/she is my everything" I just want to find this person and punch them in the nose where it hurts.

2. Constantly texting or on social media. LIVE OUTSIDE THE VIRTUAL WORLD. Your whole relationship is online and that is not healthy! Sure, by all means, post pictures of the two of you at a nice hotel in the Maldives. But do not constantly post picture after picture of your significant other with the caption "HAPPY 2 DAYS!" "HAPPY 32 DAYS!" "HAPPY 364 DAYS!", because no one cares!! And we know what your boyfriend looks like by now. Stop with the obsessive pics. As far as texting goes, why don't you two get together, you know, face-to-face, and TALK?

3. Do everything together. Co-dependent couples kill me. Can y'all not do anything apart? I'm sure you're a big girl, you can manage going to the store for a pint of milk without your boyfriend on your arm. I'd hate to see you try to go to the bathroom. I don't even understand how married couples can't do anything apart. Just because you're married doesn't mean you have to go everywhere together and chew at the same time and poop at the same time, etc. (I don't even understand why people sleep together, to be honest.)

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