#1-When I Have To Lie

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I hate it when people ask me whether I have any brothers or sisters, and I do have imaginary ones, who are real to me. But I can't tell people that because they'll think I'm "crazy". So I have to lie to them and say I'm an only child, even though I really have 7 siblings: an older sister, a twin sister, 3 younger sisters, and 2 younger brothers.

I also have to lie to people when they ask me if I have any best friends at school that I talk to, and I really don't talk to anyone at school much except my imaginary best friends (I talk to them but not where other people can hear me). So if anyone asks if I have a best friend at school, I have to say no because they will think I'm crazy if I tell them I have an imaginary best friend named Madeline, as well as my other imaginary friends who go to my school.

Another thing I hate is when I am asked about my relationship, and if I have a boyfriend, because, as a matter of fact, I DO have a boyfriend. But he's invisible, too. His name is Bronson and he's 30, and I would love to tell people about him but I can't tell them I have an imaginary boyfriend, let alone that he's 13 years my senior!


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