#7-Stories on WP

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I love reading on Wattpad. There's no denying that. But certain stories have GOT to stop.

There are a lot of original ideas and fun stories to read that are really interesting and a lot of good authors are on here. But some stories are almost the exact same as others, and a lot of stories use the same plot and same character traits as I see all the time.


#1- I am reading two stories about a teenage relationship...the typical "Good Girl/Bad Boy" relationship. The girl has one or two gay friends, which is annoying because usually once it reveals that little detail, I am too far into the book to stop reading, which is their way of sneaking it in so they're trying to push that agenda on everyone else. Usually the Bad Boy and the Good Girl are rivals, then magically end up together at the end of the book, no matter how much of an a**hole the guy was to the too-nice girl.

#2- I always look for stories about girls with imaginary friends, because I am one and want to read stuff like that that I can relate to, at least a little. It is hard enough to find stories about girls like me with imaginary friends because hardly anyone has them at my age. Then, every time I find one, it's usually focused on the same thing- romance. The girl has a boy imaginary friend who she eventually falls in love with or is already in love with. Seriously, why is every story about imaginary friends I come across about romance? It's never just friendship anymore. It's annoying how in every story, the girl's imaginary friend is ALWAYS a boy. Why does it always have to be a boy? Why can't the girl have a best friend who is a girl, so it won't be about romance, and the story could take a different direction, and have girl drama this time or something? Or why can't the story be about a girl with a BUNCH of imaginary friends, and their adventures together? I am writing a story like that on Imagnary_friend. Another topic almost all imaginary friend stories is centered upon is horror. Why must every imaginary character be a demon? Or why does it have to be a spirit at all? It's not overrated to write a story about a nice imaginary friend.

#3- There are WAY too many stories about werewolves.

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