#9-Small Talk

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I am introverted, which does not mean I am shy. It means I would rather not talk and be social all the time. Sometimes I can be extroverted but one thing I cannot stand is common small talk, just for something to say. For example, I use Uber and Lyft a lot, and while I don't mind a conversation sometimes, most of the time I don't feel like talking because the same old, tired questions crop up:

1. "Do you use Uber/Lyft a lot?"
2. "Is it hard to get Uber/Lyft out here?"
3. "Have you lived out here your whole life?"
4. "Are you in school?"
5. "Where do you work?"
6. "How long have you worked there?"
7. "Do you like it?"

All boring topics. And please, can we quit with the weather? THE WEATHER IS NOT THAT INTERESTING. I hate having to make small talk with customers at work, because I can never think of anything to ask except "How are you?" and even that gets annoying. Plus, some people, if not most, don't even like being asked that question. If you have any good small talk suggestions, ones that aren't common but not totally random (I am at work, after all), please feel free to drop them in the comment box.

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