#2-Making Internet Friends

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I really hate it when I finally think I found an online best friend who has imaginary friends like I do, but then everything is ruined. Usually, when I'm on this other chat app and I find someone to talk to that has imaginary friends, they seem really fun and I think they could become a close friend, and then one of 3 things happens:

*They turn out to be a guy or a homo or a lezbo. I hate this because I would rather have a girl best friend that I can be like sisters with, and I just can't talk to guys as well as I can talk to girls about stuff. The only guy I talk to about everything is my imaginary boyfriend, and sometimes my imaginary cousin Daniel who's around my age. I also refuse to talk to gay people or people who support it, simply because it's nasty.

*They're telling me about their imaginary friends, and one or two of them are gay. UGH. This seems to always happen. I'll be having a fun conversation with a girl who I think could be a good friend eventually, and we start talking about our imaginary friends and one or two of them is homo. I mean, really?! What is with the f*ggots?? I don't even support gay rights, and I hate it when I have to stop talking to someone who I thought would be a lot of fun because they support gay rights.

*They stop having imaginary friends. This drives me nuts. I'll make a new internet best friend and we will have fun talking about our imaginary friends, and all of a sudden, one day, they're like, "Oh, all my imaginary friends died." Then they're sort of boring to talk to, because the reason we became friends in the first place was because of our imaginary friends.

So yeah, those are the things that annoy me about making internet friends. They're either not who I thought they were, support LGBT, or become boring. And then they still want to be friends!!

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