February 15th 1999 The Day After

Start from the beginning

Natasha found her pants on the other side of the room. She picked them up and got her purse out of the pants pocket. She opened the purse and spoke.

"Accio wand." Natasha said her wand flew right out of the purse and she said another spell. "Engorgio." She said and her leather purse came back to its original size. She carried her wand and purse to Draco's bathroom with her. Draco was getting the tub ready for them to use. She saw his arse and had a thought.

Nice arse. She mused she noticed it was nice and firm probably from all these years of playing Quidditch. Draco sensed her looking at the back of his body and chuckled and spoke to her.

"Princess our bath is ready. Care to join me my sweet and beautiful wife?" Draco asked her Natasha blinked for a moment bringing her back to reality and answered him.

"Of course my dragon." She told him she walked over to him with her wand in her hand. She and Draco stepped into the bath. The water was nice and warm and inviting. She laid her wand right next to his body wash. She was grateful she washed her hair yesterday afternoon. Natasha sighed contently as Draco washed her body with his body wash and loofah sponge. His body wash smelled like green apples and mint. She was finally happy about her morning Draco heard her sigh happily and spoke to her.

"Content my beautiful wife?" Draco asked her Natasha giggled and answered him.

"Yes my husband I really am. Are you?" Natasha asked him Draco answered her.

"Of course princess. I'm very content with you. I feel very bad for my mother cause she wanted to plan out my whole wedding and I feel like after last night that I cheated her out of doing that for me." Draco told her Natasha then let out a sad sigh. She always wanted her daddy to walk her down the aisle and give her away at her wedding Natasha spoke to him.

"I know how you feel dragon. I always wanted Uncle Severus to walk me down the aisle to give me away at my wedding and I felt like I cheated him out of that cause of what happened last night. Maybe we can figure out a way to make your mother and Uncle Severus happy about it somehow." Natasha told him Draco spoke to her.

"Like what princess?" Draco asked her quizzically Natasha thought about it and answered him.

"I've got it! How about after we've been bonded for five years Draco we can do a wedding ceremony of our vows. Your mother can help me plan out the wedding ceremony and Uncle Severus can walk me down the aisle. It will be perfect everyone will get exactly what they want. Think of the ceremony as a renewal of what we already have. What do you think about that idea?" Natasha asked him Draco nodded and spoke to her.

"An excellent idea princess. It's the only way we can give everyone what they want. We can present the idea to them and see what they think. What do you want to do today princess?" Draco asked her Natasha smiled and answered him.

"I want to go and see Uncle Severus today. There's something I want to tell you about him down in the privacy of his own quarters. I don't want a lot of people knowing what he really is to me just yet. He was planning on telling everyone at our graduation." Natasha told him Draco nodded and spoke to her.

"Well my lovely wife let's not keep Snape waiting. Let's finish our bath and get dressed and go see him." Draco said to her Natasha nodded excitedly they stood up and rinsed off she got her wand that was laying on the ledge with his body wash they stepped out of the tub and Draco drained it.

Natasha casted the simple drying spell and dried herself and Draco off. She walked over to the sink and got out her toothbrush and toothpaste out and brushed her teeth. She rinsed out her mouth and her toothbrush off of the remaining toothpaste. She put the toothbrush and toothpaste back in her purse she got out a spare outfit she always kept in her purse. She got out a pair of black knickers and a matching bra and put them on. She got out some faded blue jeans and put them on. She got out her deodorant and put it on under her arms.

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