Chapter 41: A New Experience

Start from the beginning

I lifted my head up and turned my head towards my right which sat Naruto who was laughing and talking with his buddies.

I grimaced at how loud he was, his body jerking and moving fron his obnoxious laughing.

I sighed and turned and tapped him anyway making him stop talking and look at me, his blue eyes holding a spark of worry in them.

"What is it, baby. Do you, gotta use the bathroom?" He asked, rather bluntly while his friends turned and stared at us.

I blushed under the countless stars we got but then leaned into Naruto's ear, moving his blonde hair out of the way "No. It's just th-the baby wants to talk to you." I whispered out making him chuckle deeply.

He looked down at my belly and then back up at me, a sexy smirk present on his face "Well fine then." He said and then lowered himself towards my belly, Ray and Stefan standing up to help with the food, while Leo just brought out his phone.

Naruto bend down towards my stomach and slightly pulled my white blouse up, revealing my oversized belly making him grin..

"Aww, Does our baby, want to play with daddy?" Naruto cooed out and placed his hand on my belly and lightly rubbed it making the baby kick against his hand.

I giggled at Naruto's amused face and then ran my hand through his blonde hair, staring at him as he rubbed me...

"I think, the baby will love you.. Naruto." I whispered out making him look up at me, a frown slowly forming on his face making me, frown.

He blew out a long sigh and gave me a shrug "I want, to believe that, Hinata. I really do. But, I don't think, I deserve any of this. I don't deserve the love from this being inside of you, Hinata. I didn't care when I planted it, inside of you. It took me months and months to fully understand.. What's really happening. And even then, I.. only wanted you to myself. And now, a baby is.. coming.. And your attention will be elsewhere. Away from me." Naruto spat out, his heart reaching out to me making me sigh.

Oh wow..

I never, thought he felt that way..

Does every Father feel that way when their child is coming?

I shook my head but then looked up when I saw Ray and Stefan come up, plates and plates of food held in their arms.

"Dinners ready." Ray infomed with a goofy smile and then placed the plates down in front of, all of the available seats.

Naruto sighed and pulled down my blouse and turned back around, his face stoic now..

I bit my lip but then tugged on his shirt making him look at me again "We'll talk about this, later. I promise." I whispered out as Stefan placed a plate full of food in front of me and then did the same to Naruto who nodded at me.

"Fine." He huffed out before grabbing a fork beside his plate, his eyes downcasted making me frown...

I pulled my head up but smiled when I saw Kurenai and Tsunade making thwir way to the table, from washing their hands.

"I hope you all enjoy the food." Tsunade said softly and sat down in the seat in front of me, her eyes connecting with mines.

I smiled at her and then looked and saw Kurenai sitting on the right side of her, beside Stefan.

Ray then sat down beside Leo, Leo now putting away his phone.. His face emotionless.

I bit my lip as I eyed the three of them..

God.. Why don't I feel.. safe around them?

Its been some months since everything's happened but.. I still can't shake off what they did..

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