Chapter 26: Did We Do A Good Job?

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Present Day

You were holding up a spear, looking down at the stream near the shack, looking out for some fish. You see one start to swim by and you stab it with the spear. "Ha! Gotcha!" You exclaimed as you pull the spear out and take the fish out and put it in the bucket next to you.

At that moment, Rosie trots up to you and barks before she sits down on her butt, looking up at you. "Who's a good girl?" You asked her as you scratch her head. "It's you, Rosie!" You said before you turn back around to the stream and raise your spear again. You stab it in the water as you see the fish but you miss. "Fuckin' shit. Come on." You muttered, angrily, as you stab into the water again and caught another fish.

"Hmm...hopefully that's enough." You muttered as you set the fish in the bucket just then heard footsteps. You look up to see AJ walking up to you, carrying a bucket with some fishes inside of it. "Hey, how did you do?" You asked him. "I caught a few. Might be enough for all of us." AJ said as he holds up his bucket then sets it down. You look over the buckets and said. "Yeah, that should feed us for a few days. Come on, it's almost time to head back. Let's go put the spears up." You said and AJ nods before he turns to Rosie. 

"Stay here and keep watch, Rosie." He said and you and him go towards the shack as Rosie sits and watches the buckets.

AJ hands you his spear and you go to the back of the shack to set the spears up. "This place is cur-cursed." AJ reads. You look up and see that he was looking at the banner over the bed. "Well that's scary. And mean. I think this place is good. Don't you?" He asked you. "Yeah, I do." You said and both of you head out of the shack then back to the stream. 

You go to pick up your bucket when AJ says. "(Y/n)! Look!" You jerk your head up and saw a familiar blue and white hat floating down the stream. "Oh my God!" You whispered and you go reach for it but miss. "Shit!" You muttered and AJ runs over to the bridge then reaches down to grab it but he misses too. "No!" He said as you run to the bridge, go to the other side and reach out for the hat but miss again.

"!" You shout as the hat floats down the stream. But luckily, Rosie jumps into the stream and grabs the hat with her teeth. "Yes!" You and AJ exclaimed and both of you run over to Rosie. "Good girl!" You said as you take the hat and smile at it. 

Suddenly, you heard a walker nearby and you and AJ turn around to see one nearby. AJ takes a few steps forward, pulls his gun out and aims it at the walker but he stops. You walk up next to him as the walker turns around to reveal itself to be Tenn. Your eyes widen in shock then you frown as you turn your head to AJ, who was giving Tenn a sad look. "Please, don't go towards the school. The other kids shouldn't see you as a monster. Nobody should...." AJ mutters.

AJ looks at his former friend then down at the rock then back up at Tenn before shooting him in the head. "Sorry, Tenn." AJ mutters as you place your hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, AJ." You said to him.
"It's okay." AJ mutters as he puts his gun away. You kneel down to him and placed both of your hands on his shoulder as he looks at you then wraps his arms around your neck and hugs you. You hug him back, tightly, and closed your eyes as you let out a shaky breath.

Both of you pull back from the hug as you look at him. "Let's go home." You said and AJ nods then both of you grab your buckets and you two, with Rosie, head back home.

You two walk along the woods and see the school up ahead in the distance. You see Ruby in the distance standing by then Aasim comes up to her, carrying some animals he killed, then the two start to hold hands and head back to the school.

You smile at this as you two walk across the little bridge then see Omar setting up a sign that said Don't Fuck With Us. "Nice one." You said to Omar. He nods and smiles as he head back to the school. Next to the sign was the body of Abel and you give him a pity look as you and AJ continue on. Willy climbs down from a nearby tree and heads to the school while you look up and see Louis standing up by the gate.

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