Chapter Twenty-Two

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Ochaco laid on Izuku's chest and the man opened his green eyes. He looked at the beast falling from the sky ready to land on the pair, and Deku acted without thinking. He threw Ochaco off the car and into the middle of the road, but he did not have enough time to move from the speeding monster. The beast landed on Deku and the car gave in even more to the immense weight. Izuku coughed blood into the monstrosity's face and put his hand around its leg as the beast's claws began to dig into his chest. The monster than reached an arm down and picked up Midoryia by the throat. The hero kicked his legs and tried to break free but his body was too weak.

Ochaco sat on the road and looked at the back of Spider-Man. She stared at the many cuts along his back and her eyes slowly trailed up. The woman's heart stopped when she saw the man's fluffy, messy, green hair.

Izuku gritted his teeth and looked into the monster's many red eyes. The beast growled at Izuku and jammed one of its claws into the man's side. Deku cried out in pain and shot two webs onto trash cans nearby, and smashed them into the monster's head. Deku flipped off the car and landed on a knee in front of Ochaco with his back still to the women. The man slowly stood up and webbed the wound on his side."I don't know if you can understand me, but if you can listen closely. I will fight you until my body won't twitch; I am not going to give in to the pain, not again. You'll have to break every bone in my body to reach the people behind me, and thrash me until my last breath if you plan on getting to Ochaco." Izuku knew his secret was out, and there was not a damn thing he could do about it.

The crowd of people  behind Izuku took a gulp and watched as he stood, despite everything. All they had ever done was tear the man down, and even while at his weakest he still came to save the day. Ochaco felt tears build up in her eyes as she stared at the  man struggling to breath."D-De-Deku !"

The monster stepped off of the car and placed three hands on each side. The man-spider let out a roar as it ripped the vehicle in half and held each half in its grasps. The monster towered over Izuku and held the vehicle in its hands, but Deku stood still and looked at it. The beast slammed a half at Izuku, but Deku dogged the attack and ran up the clump of metal. He then kicked the beast in the side of the head and landed behind it. The monster swung its other makeshift weapon at Izuku and hit the hero. Deku was sent flying through a wall and into the main lobby of Yuirui industries. 

The monster looked at Ochaco and growled. The woman began to slowly backpedal, she was defenseless. Her hands were cuffed and he quirk was eliminated by the technology. The beast raised all six of its arms and prepared to kill Uraraka in a single blow. 


The monster tried slamming its fist, but there was resistance."I already told you; if you want her than you've got to kill me first !" Izuku then threw the monster into a brick wall. Izuku fell to the ground after his attack and gritted his crimson stained teeth. His pain had reached a point where his body was now numb and his limbs seemed to be to heavy to lift."Get up," whispered Izuku to himself."Get up. Get up. Get up." 

Deku made it to a knee, but that was all he could do until the man-spider recovered and made it back to him. The monster stood over Izuku and punched the man in the jaw. Blood splatted from Deku's mouth and onto the wet ground below. The sky had begun to pour rain and now Midoryia's fluffy hair had lost its volume and now laid over his eyes. The monster punched Izuku again, and the man's lip busted. The beast then punched Spider-Man in the gut, and the hero felt his ribs crack. As the beast raised its arms over its head Izuku caught a glimpse of Ochaco. Her face was pale with fear and tears streamed down her eyes as she watched the mutilation of the man she loved. The man-spider slammed its fist into Deku's back and the man hit the ground. The force caused an explosion of wind and a crater formed below Izuku."G-G-Get up," muttered Izuku.

Hideki stood by the hole created earlier when Izuku crashed into his building and smiled,"After we finish you off Midoryia we'll kill that girlfriend of yours nice and slow."

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