Chapter Eighteen

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Izuku sat in the break room of the office and held his phone with his left hand. The man pulled the noodles in his cup to his mouth and let out an irritating slurp. Midoryia swiped left on his screen a few times and then muttered to himself,"Wait which was which ? Was right yes or no ?" The green-haired man then let out a frustrated sigh and slumped his head over in defeat. As Izuku basked in his frustration he felt to hands grip onto his shoulders."What's wrong big guy ?"

Izuku instantly dropped his phone and tried to turn it off, but his co-worker caught sight of the screen. The man smiled and pulled the chair next to Izuku out. The man that sat down went by the name of Shuruto Dokugo, and he was the paper's number one man. Dokugo was what a lot of people could call the ideal man. He had his long blond hair tied into a pony tail, his eyes were a sparkling blue, and  the man's handsome face was covered with a beard. Shuruto chuckled at Izuku," I never knew you were a player."

"W-Wha-Wh-A player ?"

"Yeah, that's what that app is for," laughed Dokugo.

Deku picked up his phone and questioned,"Isn't this a-a dating app ?"

Dokugo broke out into laughter and slammed his fist against the table."T-Tha-" The man began to cough and cry tears of joy."That's what they tell you in the description Midoryia, but it is really just an excuse to stick your dick in women."

"Oh ! So it's a prostitution app ?"

The man sitting with Izuku facepalmed."Where have you been for the past five years !"

"In my own little world," sighed Deku.

Dokugo stood up and pointed his finger into the air."Tonight you will become a new man Midoryia !"

"Huh !"

"After work today I will show you how to talk with women !"

Izuku threw his hands into air and began to wildly wave them around."That's not necessary !"

"Of course it is, I mean look at you- no offense !"

"I-I just don't think that's a good idea, when have me and you ever and done something together ?"

"Never, but that doesn't matter because this is an exercise to improve the relationship and get you a fine woman's number in the process."


Ochaco could not get her mind off of the night with Izuku that changed everything. There were so many things that bothered her about that moment, like how she could feel the spark between them but Deku denied it, or how Izuku wasn't against what was happening until she asked about his scars, and then the look on his face when he stood up, it was forever etched into her mind. Guilt is the only way she could have described it, he looked ashamed of himself, but why ? That is what she couldn't  figure out and she had been battling with it for the past few weeks.

Uraraka nodded her head and stood up. The woman knew if she called or texted Izuku he would not answer, so she was going to the man herself.


Izuku sat at the bar and stared at his drink as the ice cubes swirled in his drink. The man then took a sip of the alcohol and winced at the kick."Gah !"

Dokugo spun around in his chair and laughed,"Never had a drink before ?"

"N-No," groaned Deku as he tried to recover from the refreshment.

"Not even on your twentieth birthday ?"


"Hmm, so I guess we're enlightening your taste buds and teaching you how to be good with women all in one night." Dokugo then smacked Izuku on the back."Have you ever had a girlfriend ?"

"Not one," answered Midoryia as he looked at the many assortments of bottles behind the counter.

"Like a girl ?"


"Well that's a start." The blond then rubbed his nose and grinned,"What about kissed a girl ?"


"Hmm, what was it like ?"

Izuku had not forgotten what Ochaco's lips felt like, but he wasn't about to give some guy he worked with a detailed description."Nice, I guess."

"You're not making this easy you know ? But I think we can make this work; today is the day you become the ultimate ladies man Midoryia- a true legend that I will tell my children about."

"Yep, today's the day," sighed Izuku as he gulped down his booze and called for another one.


Ochaco stood in the hallway and paced back and forth outside of the oak door. She stared at the golden numbers plastered across the door and began to talk to herself."Come on you can do this Ochaco. This is simple, just knock on the door and talk to him." She stopped pacing around and told herself,"It's not a big deal he already knows how you feel." The woman took a deep breath and began to play with her hair."Okay, now or never."

Ochaco softly knocked on the door and got no answer."You've got to knock harder than than Ochaco." The woman closed her eyes and banged on the door. No answer, just like the last time. Uraraka let out a grunt and hit the door with a little bit more force this time, and accomponied the barrage by calling out,"Deku can you open up; I just want to talk." Ochaco frowned,"I-I don't want us to grow apart because I made a mistake." The woman then pleaded with teary eyes,"Deku can you please open up; I really want to see you !"

An older woman barged out of her home and looked at Ochaco with confused eyes."What are you doing sweetie ?"

"S-Sorry, I'm just trying to get my friend to open up." 

The woman looked at Ochaco and explained,:That apartment was cleared out a week ago; the man that lived in it was behind on his bills so they evicted him."

"What !"

The old lady nodded and frowned."It really was a shame because he was a boy with a good heart, but he was busy trying to do too much and the big guys got tried of him being behind with their money."

"D-Do you know where he went ?"

"No, the guy didn't even clean out his place they did it for him."


Izuku turned his head and looked at the woman in front of him. His vision was blurry and he could barley even make out her face. Dokugo pointed to Izuku and said,"My friend here wanted to introduce himself."

"Oh." The woman stretched out a hand towards Deku and the man took it.

Deku dazily muttered,"Izuku Mid-" The poor man was cut off by his stomach not being able to hold his alcohol. Dokugo put his hand on his head in horror as he watched the man's lunch fall onto the woman's shoes.


Izuku's arm was wrapped around the blond man's shoulder as they walked out of the bar. Izuku hiccuped and them made a thwip noise with his mouth."And then I webbed up the guy and returned the purse to the women; she was really nice and gave me butterscotch."

Dokugo walked with Midoryia out of the bar and played along with the man."I'm sure that's exactly how it went, and then she gave you her number."

"What no ! She was old and wrinkly, but she would have made a nice grandma."

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