Chapter Nine

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Izuku stood outside of the giant skyscraper and looked into the sky. The erection was made almost entirely of glass and the entire city seemed to reflected in its windows. Along the top of the building rested a sign that read: Yuirui Industries. The tip of the building tickled the fluffy cotton balls in the air and whisked them. The man diverted his attention from the sky and to the large automatic door before him. Midoryia then tightened his grip on the notepad in his hand before entering the glass masterpiece of a building.

The doors welcomed Izuku as they slid open and a rush of cool air hit the photographer's freckled face. The gust of air blew his hair around and caused the fluffy mane to be more untamed than usual. Deku timidly approached the desk and timidly smiled at the woman behind it. The lady looked up at Izuku with her pale pink eyes and began to chew on the minty gum in her mouth with more vigor than  before."How can I help you ?" The woman appeared to be mildly annoyed with Deku, but after nineteen years he had grown use to people not being too fond of him.

Izuku nose wrinkled as he was at a lost for words."Uhhh,I-I am here to see the big guy."

"The big guy ?"

"Yea, you know the founder of this company."

"Mr. Yuirui wants to see you, a mess of a reporter ?"

"I'm not technically a reporter."

The woman let out a groan and rolled her eyes. She then clicked a button and a frendly voice roared,"Yes ?"

"Mr. Yuirui are you scheduled to have an appointment with...." The woman the looked up at Izuku.

"Izuku Midoryia," grinned the man.

"Izuku Midoryia ?"

"Is it already time for him to come by ?"

"I believe so, he's at my desk right now."

"Well send my old mate up to my office."


Midoryia walked down the hall and looked at the many frames hanging from the wall. Each picture came from one of Mr. Yuirui's many Charity event and meeting with icons around the world. In each photo the man appeared to be an angel, but Deku knew the truth, the man and Spider-Man had a long history.

Izuku stopped at a large opening and slowly walked through it. Behind a large oak desk sat Hideki Yuirui, Japan's golden man. Hideki's jet  black hair was short on the sides, and slicked back behind his head. The man's eyes were a pale green and mocha face seemed like it was sculpted in clay. Yuirui leaned back in his expensive office chair and greeted,"Hello Midoryia, long time since you last came by."

Deku gave the man a smile and chuckled as he sat down."Yeah, I guess it has been a minute."

"A minute !", laughed the rich man."I haven't seen  you in months. I was beginning to worry that paper of yours had grown tired of me."

Izuku laughed at the man,"Oh no, It's just I'm the one they like to do pieces on you and I had been preoccupied."

"With Spider-Man," questioned Hideki with a raised eyebrow.

"People love to read about him."

"Of course they do, he's quite the polarizing man."

"Polarizing huh."

Yuirui nodded his head as he bit the inside of his cheek."I think that's the best way to put him; a man that most believe is a menace, but some like to call him a hero." 

"So are you a fan of him ?"

"No, he's an annoying pest to this city if I'm going to be honest. He probably flunked out of a hero course, and is swinging around the city like a fool to achieve the dream he doesn't deserve."

He's not too far off.

"That's brutal."

Hideki laughed at Midoryia,"Do you think I made it to the top by sugar coating things."

"Fair point.


"So you want to know about my last trip out of the country ?"

Midoryia bobbed his head up and down as he pulled out his notepad. He then asked,"What was the event for ?"

"We wanted to try and help the the Filipinos with their living situations. They have recently been the victims of many disastrous storms, and not many people want to reach a hand out towards them."

Izuku looked into the man's eyes and thought, He can spin a lie, I'll give him that.

"What did you do, build houses ?"

"That wasn't it, but many of our resources did focus on that. We also tried to improve anything about the conditions we could, whether it be food and nutrition to clothing."

"And how long were you in the islands ?"

"About three months," answered Hideki.

"You stayed there yourself for three months ?" The bulky man behind the desk nodded his head in response."Interesting," muttered Deku under his breath.

"Did you say something ?"

Izuku's head shot up and he yelped,"Oh no !"

The businessman behind the desk stood up and extended a strong hand."Well my four O'clock is about to be here Midoryia."

Deku stood up and took the man's hand."So I need to go ?"


"Well it was a pleasure Mr. Yuirui."

As Izuku walked out of the office he spotted a villa envelope with Tungsten Labs stamped across it. Midoryia was quite familiar with that place and knew of Hideki Yuirui's connection with the wold famous laboratory. As Izuku walked down the long corridor outside of Hideki's office the he bumped into a solid man. Midoryia fell to the ground and quickly apologized."I'm so sorry for-."

"It's fine." The pale man then continued to trek down the hallway.

Izuku sat up, but couldn't help the feeling that man instilled in him. The stranger looked off to him, but he could not exactly place it. Maybe it was the scar over his left eye or the emotionless way he spoke. Izuku walked down the hall and began to wonder if Yuirui had something planned and whether or not it had something to do with the ghastly man he had just ran into.

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