Chapter Six

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Izuku grasped at the threads of the muscular man's costume as he tackled Midoryia through the concrete wall. The wall crumbled and the two men grunted as the rubble smashed against their backs. The blond man tackled Spider-Man to the ground and looked down at the vigilante. The man's round blue eyes seemed to beat down on Deku. Izuku stared at the man in shock from seconds until realizing who had just attacked him."Lemillion !"

The blond hero kept his arms wrapped around Izuku's back and threw the man into a brick wall."So you're the one that started the fire."

Izuku wanted to slump his shoulders over in defeat at the all to familiar situation, but his body was still stuck in the wall. The man's body slowly fell from the imprint it left in the wall and Izuku groaned in pain as he hit the ground. Deku placed a hand on his back where a fiery pain spiked and slowly stood up. The masked man then tried to explain,"You got the wrong guy."

"Hmph, I always knew you were a villain." Miro Togata then threw an overhand right at the spandex wearing man. Izuku leaped in the air and propelled himself onto a wall using Togata's arm.

The short man stuck to the wall and looked down at the blue-eyed hero."Whoa,whoa,whoa, I'm not a villain." Miro ignored the man and jumped in the air, and followed up the move with a powerful punch.

Izuku detached from the wall and fell to the ground, and as he did so he attached a web to Lemillion's back and said,"I really don't want to fight you." Deku then pulled the man to the ground, which caused a crack to form in the alleyway."But I'm too squishy to see the inside of a cell." Deku then jumped into the air and was about to disappear, but the hero grabbed a hold of his ankle.

Oh no.

Miro yelled as he pulled Izuku back to the ground and slammed the man into the ground. Izuku winced under his mask and murmured,"That hurt...a lot." Togata launched a powerful punch at the man on the ground, but Izuku shot a web to a car speeding down the middle of the street and shot under the man's strong legs. Miro turned around and Izuku waved to him as he slid across the ground.

Izuku let out a sigh of relief as he skated down the road, but his peace ended at a loud voice."Stop running Spider-Man !" Midoryia quickly looked up and his eyes widened in surprise as the hero leaped from the side of a building and towards him. Deku quickly zipped to the roof of the car he had previously been attached to and watched as the hero's fist stopped an inch from the ground. Lemillion than leaped unbelievably high into the air and landed onto top of Deku.

"You aren't going to get away."

"W-What did I even do ?", cried Izuku. The masked man then stuck a web to the blond hero's cape and pulled the man off of him. Miro fell off the roof of the car and grabbed onto the vehicles bumper.

Togata bent the bumper as he pulled himself up and grinned,"You're a quick thinker I'll give you that."

Izuku hugged and unsurely responded,"You have pretty eyes...I guess."



Togata put an elbow into he side of Izuku's face and followed the attack up with a knee. Deku caught the knee and flipped the man in the air. Midoryia then shot a web onto Lemillion's chest and slammed the man into the roof of the small car. The move shook the entire vehicle and caused Izuku to lose his balance. Spider-Man caught himself by using his feet and leaned over the car and in front of the driver's side window. Deku knocked on the window to catch the drivers attention. The visibly annoyed man rolled down the window and said,"What the hell is going on !"

Midoryia waved and explained,"Sorry I'm just having a fight on top of your car, but don't worry Lemillion will pay for all of the damage we cause." Just as Izuku finished a strong hand grabbed him by his small spider emblem and threw him into the air. Deku cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled,"Never mind he doesn't seem too happy about that idea !"


Izuku tumbled across the buildings roof and crashed into an A.C. The metal box caved in as the vigilante rolled into it, and moments later the tall hero Midoryia had been battling landed on the roof. Izuku looked at the man and joked,"How do you do it ?"

Miro stopped in his tracks."Huh ?"

"How'd you get so strong, Protein shakes ?"

"What are you talking about ?"

Izuku raised his right hand."I don't know man, just trying to buy some time." Deku then pressed down on his webshooter and nothing came out."This is awkward." Deku then fled by flipping over the crushed Air conditioning unit and swan dove off the roof. The man wrestled with his utility belt as he fell and pulled out a small capsule. The masked vigilante then slid the small capsule into the gadget on his wrist and shot a web onto a street light. Deku then rolled onto the ground and looked up to see Togata flying at him.

Izuku jumped back and watched as the man's first went cleanly thorough the sidewalk."Steroids, it's definitely steroids." Izuku then tried to kick the man in the face, but Miro caught him by the ankle.

"You're really starting to annoy me." Lemillion then threw Izuku through a window. Spider-Man slid across the floor and hit a table. A pitcher of water fell from the table and onto his head. Deku ripped the glass container from his head and tossed it at the hero charging into the cafe. Spider-Man then zipped to the ceiling and looked around the cafe. The place was quite small and mostly empty, except for a man and woman in the corner of the store. The woman had chubby cheeks and long, dark green hair. Across from the woman sat a frail man with unique blond hair. The blond man looked over in shock at Lemillion and muttered something under his breath no-one could catch.

"How about you come down here Spider-Man, and we don't involve these civilians."

Izuku deepened his voice and puffed out his chest,"I can agree to that."

Miro gave the man on the ceiling a perplexed look."Why did you deepen your voice ?"

"I'm not deepening my voice," argued Izuku.

"Yes you are."

Izuku dropped down from the roof and threw a chair at the man using a web."Am not." The object sent Mirio out the window and Deku quickly left the cafe.

Togata jumped to his feet and clapped his hands together. Midoryia cartwheeled away from the blast of wind and shot a clump of web over the man's eyes. Izuku then went to punch the man in the gut but his arm passed through the man. Izuku cried,"I didn't mean to-", but stopped when the hero phased into the road."Oh yeah, that's his quirk."Does he have two ?

Miro appeared out of the ground and grabbed Izuku by the arm. The man then threw the vigilante into the road. Spider-Man contorted his body to avoid the speeding vehicles and stuck to a wall. As Mirio jumped at Izuku, the man shot a web onto two metal mailboxes and sandwiched the hero with them. Togata fell to the ground and Deku laughed,"Huh, all I need are a few more stamps and you're done for."

Izuku dropped from the wall and tried to put his knee into the face of Togata. The man caught him and thew the masked vigilante into the sky. Izuku disappeared from the man's sight and Miro let out a tired sigh."He's a handful."


Izuku slowly opened the window to his bedroom and secretly slipped in. The man fell onto his carpeted floor and complained,"Why does everyone think I'm the bad guy !"

Am I going overboard on the humor ?

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