Chapter Fourteen

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The rain roared down from the dark clouds above the city as Izuku walked down the street. The man kept his head down and his jaw clinched as he traveled down the sidewalk.  Water streamed down his freckled cheeks, but wasn't sure if it was his salty tears or the rainfall. He wanted to be angry at himself for turning down Ochaco like he did, but there was no other option. He could never be with her not while zipping around the city in a brightly colored spandex. The green-haired man stopped and stood under a dimly lit lamp post and waited for the opportunity to walk across the street, but as he stepped onto the road he was snatched into the air.


Izuku tumbled across a rooftop and hit the hard ground hard. The man groaned in pain and tossed and turned on the ground as he tried to step to his feet. Midoryia placed the ball of his wrist to his forehead and muttered under his breath,"What the hell was that ?"

"You're a strange man Spider."

Izuku turned and looked at the tall man across from him as thunder roared and lightning faintly illuminated Kraven. The man's coal like hair was slicked back and water dripped from his thick goatee. Izuku then looked at his blind left eye and thought back to his meeting with Hideki."Says the one wearing a lion pelt !"

Kraven drew a machete from his hip and raised the blade."You must not appreciate great culture." The bulky man then charged at Izuku with his weapon extended. Midoryia ducked below the blade and punched Kraven in the gut.

"I'm having a really bad day so if you want we can reschedule this." Deku then evaded a deadly swing from Kraven and jumped off the roof.

Midoryia extended a hand and pressed down where his web shooter usually would be and felt nothing but skin."Oh no !" Izuku maneuvered himself in the air and reached out his left and presses three fingers against the window of a building. Deku groaned in pain as he felt his shoulder pop, but he stayed hanging yards above the street. Izuku looked up and watched as the large man hunting him dove of the roof above him and after him.

Midoryia pulled his other arm up to the building and began to slowly drag himself along its flat surface. His gritted his teeth as his shoulder continued to ache, and yelled out in pain as Kraven plunged his weapon into the man's calf.

Deku banged his head against the window in pain and continued to crawl up the building. Kraven pulled himself up using the blade and wrapped a strong arm around Midoryia's neck. The hunter then smashed Izuku's head against the window and cracked the glass.

Izuku's skull went through the window and Kraven continues to bang the man's head against the window until the transparent sheet of glass completely shattered. Izuku pulled himself into the opening and began to trickle down his cheek. The crimson plopped onto the cold floor and Izuku coughed as Kraven punched him in the stomach.  Izuku yelled as he put his two feet into the man's chest and sent him farther into the office.

Kraven crashed through many cubicles and knocked over the many computers that sat on them. The man quickly stood up and cracked his neck."You don't seem to have the same pep in your step anymore, where'd all that passion of yours go."

Izuku licked the blood from his busted lip and wiped away the red fluid draining from his cheek."Sorry, it went down the drain with my love life." Deku then picked up a blue office chair and threw it at Kraven. The tall man smashed the object in half and picked up a pair of scissors from the cup on the the table next to him. Kraven then squinted as he looked at Izuku and threw the sharp tool towards Midoryia. Izuku tried to jump in the air, but the gash in his leg didn't let him get as much air as he wanted and the sharp object pierced his thigh.

Izuku fell to the ground and placed his hands around the handle to the scissors and pulled it out."Gah !"He then dropped them onto the floor, but before he could even move Kraven punched him in the jaw and sent him flying out of the building.

Izuku hit landed hard on a car and the metal roof caved in under the force of his fall. Midoryia coughed up blood and felt his eyes grow week, but Kraven would not just let him pass out. The large man dropped from the building and put his knee into Midoryia's gut. Blood spewed from the green-haired man's  mouth and onto Kraven's face. The man wrapped his large hands around Deku's face and began to apply pressure."This isn't the same man I fought a week ago. You're much weaker than him and broken. Where did that strong will to always get up go ?"

"I already told you that."

Kraven let out a grunt and released his hold on Izuku."You're no longer worthy of being my prey, but the day you return to greatness just know, I'll be around the corner ready to kill you."

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