Chapter 15

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Tiff's POV –

This morning I woke up feeling nothing but dread. Today was the day that me and Luke had a meeting with Ella's father and to be honest, I was extremely scared. I knew that he wouldn't exactly like me because I am the girl that Luke dumped his daughter for but it was her own fault. Luke told me that he wanted to talk about our future. It baffled me because I had no idea what he was on about. As far as im aware it didnt concern him

Luke and I were currently sitting on the reception that was just outside his room. His sign was plastered to the front of the door in big black letters. My heart was beating in my rib cage as the lady told us we could go inside. I swiftly looked at Luke worringly but cupped my cheeks and kissed me

"Dont worry about it" He whispered and i nodded. He let go and started walking into the room. I soon followed

"Ah, welcome. Good to see you, please take a seat anywhere you like" Andy gestures towards the many seats in front of him. Luke grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers and pulls me towards the two directly in front of his desk

"I bet your wondering why we brought you two in today" He says leaning back in his seat. I and Luke look at him, telling him to continue

"You two will no longer be dating." Suddenly it felt like my heart had smashed into tiny pieces. Like someone had come along and knocked me with a car. I knew that it was going to be something bad

"What the hell do you mean?" Luke snaps, getting my attention. It feels as though my body can't even function anymore

"Look, you two are cute but this relationship is boring. That's why you two are breaking up. We already have a new girlfriend so you are no longer needed here" He grins and Luke lunges forward at Andy but I hold him back. As much as I wanted to let him beat the shit out of Andy, I knew it wouldn't make anything better

"Tiff's not going anywhere" Luke snaps again and sits back down next to me. I can feel the tears coming from my eyes but I make no effort to hold them back

"Well she has too, her flight leaves tomorrow morning" Andy shrugs. What the fuck, im not leaving

"What the hell are you talking about Andy, what flight?" Luke's eyes are beginning to get red and puffy. Suddenly everything clicked

"Well we cant have her around and getting in the way of your new girlfriend. The press with think she is still seeing you, and that will get you a bad reputation. The pap's won't see her if she's in Perth now will they. If she goes it means she's out for good" He smirks and a tear falls down my cheek. Luke on the other hand is holding back his tears and looking at Andy like he wants to kill him

"Well Luke, I think its time you met your new girlfriend." Andy clicks his fingers at the assistant on hand and she leaves the room swiftly before returning with a girl in tow


"Hey Lukey, were finally together again!" She squeals and her father smiles before telling her to give us another moment. Suddenly something snaps inside of me

"You can't do this" I shout in his face making him move back slightly

"Oh yes we can. Luke over here signed a contract with us, which means that we take drastic decisions regarding his fame" Andy smirks and a few more tears fall down my cheek

"Well I think its best that you get going; you have a lot to pack. Luke we have arranged a date for you and Ella on the beach tomorrow evening. Thanks for your time" He says standing up and without hesitation I get up and run out

"Tiffany" Luke calls for me and I turn and collapse into his arms, crying into his shirt

"I won't let them take you princess, you're not leaving" He whispers into my hair and I look up into his eyes. You could tell he was on the verge of crying as well. We were the only ones in the reception so it was extremely quiet

"Hey listen, you're not going anywhere. Ill be there so they can't take you away from me. I love you too much to let you slip away that easily" He whispers again before planting a passionate kiss on my lips

"I love you too" I say and pull away back into a hug

"Do you mind not kissing my boyfriend you slutty bitch" a snotty, squeaky voice came from behind us. Immediately I pull away from the hug and turn to see Ella smirking

"Ella I'm not your boyfriend anymore" He snaps but she just continues smirking

"You have to be, my daddy says. And if you don't I can get you and your pathetic lowlife friends fired forever" She chuckles and I get ready to attack her. I knew she was low but I never thought she would stoop lower

"You're a bitch" I spit but she looks at me with no emotion

"Don't you have to go pack your bags or something" She spits back and I turn to face Luke. Quickly I grab his hand and lead him outside. I pull him around the side of the building and look at him in the eye

"Luke you know I love you don't you?" I ask and he nods

"Then I have to go" I mumble feeling the tears roll down my cheeks again

"What?" He asks shocked and I shake my head. This is possibly the hardest thing I have ever had to do

"Luke I don't want to ruin your career for you, you and the boys have worked too hard for this. Trust me this is the last thing I want to do but....... I-I have to. I love you too much to see you waste something that could make your life a million times better than I could. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life and I care too much to see you waste your talent. I will never stop loving you and that's a promise" I say and he pulls me in for another hug

"Tiff you can't leave me. My career won't be the same if you're not here. I need you" He whispers and I cry again. Slowly he brings up his hands and cups my cheek, wiping away my tears with the pad of his thumb

"Come on, lets get home" He says and takes me back to the car. I sit motionless in the seat and wonder about one thing only

Why us?

Hiyaa!! Im so sorry that this chapter is a sad one but it had to be done. I hated writing it!!!!!!!!!! Who just wants to go up to Ella and smack her across the face? Comment if you do!! I actually did a double update tonight because i felt bad that i hadent updated in a while. The vote goal is 3. Ano its a bit pathetic but thats what im doing from now on. Please vote it would mean the world. Also read my other books if you can or just add them to yout library to read ona rainy day

Byee :) :(

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