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4 years later.....

If you were to step into the hallway of the Hemmings residence, you would be viciously attacked by cuddles and kisses. Little Andrea would grab onto your leg, that is if you were uncle Calum, uncle Ashton or uncle Michael. James would toddle down with his blanket and favourite lion toy, collapsing on the sofa as soon as he said hello

Luke and Tiffany had James first, just a few month after their wedding. Everyone was alright with is as they knew they were both in love and finically ready for kids. Luke chose the name, and of course was in the middle of teaching him how to play guitar. Considering he is 4, its not working out too well. Only a year later little Andrea came along. She was by far the cutest baby anyone had ever seen, with chubby cheeks and the most piercing blue eyes anyone had seen. She was just like her mother, stubborn at times but full of giggles and laughter. 

As for Luke and Tiff, they are happily together and love their kids to pieces. Although sometimes they had their riffs, they would make up within second and end up kissing, away from the ids of course! 5 Seconds of Summer are still going strong with their own album, tour and a new record contract on the way

Louis and Phoebe are still together and going strong. They still hasn't has there first argument in god knows how long and loved each other more than anything. Phoebe was completely unaware that Louis was planning to propose on her birthday, which was in just 2 days

Calum and Ella started going out 1 month after confessing their feelings for each other. Ella set her dad straight and moved out of her fathers mansion and into an apartment with Calum. He bought it himself and they are both happy with each other. No one would have thought they would stay together this long with everything Ella had done to his band mate but their relationship is as strong as ever. Calum is planning to propose on their anniversary in 2 months time.

As for Michael and Ashton they are still single, and as they say 'free men'. They always joke of taking James out to pubs and almost got away with it once when they were babysitting. Both of them are by far the closest to the kids and come over everyday after band rehearsal to play with Andrea and James. When they aren't over the Hemmings' they are out partying like mad men, semi-responsible of course

Everyone is happy and wouldn't change anything for the world. No one knew how this would play out, but in the end everything worked out perfectly. At night when the kids are asleep and friends are at home either drunk or sober, Luke and Tiffany cuddle and talk about anything and everything. One night, they lay there, Tiffany playing with Lukes hand and Luke kissing Tiffany's head, they started talking about how it all started. And the thing that baffled them the most is........

This all started from a fake relationship

This all happened because they were enemies forced to be together. But there was one thing they knew has changed.....................

This relationship was no longer Fake Love

Well thats it! That is the official ending of Fake Love. Thankyou so much to everyone that has read this book from the beginning and for all the votes and comments. I now have 16k reads which is beyond anything i could have dreamed of reaching. But you have got me there and i am so greatfullll. Im actually quite sad tis is ending and mad at myself that i didn't write more to make this book longer.

THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL OR PREQUEL OR WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT. IT WILL BE ABOUT LOUIS AND PHOEBE AND THEIR LIFE AND WHAT HAPPENED AND STUPID STUFF LIKE THAT. I don't know when i will be posting it and i can tell you for a fact it will be slow updates. Sorry

Thankyou everyone so much for putting up with this book and its slow updates and crap spelling and stupid plot twists

Byeee :)

Fake Love - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now