Chapter 29

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Lukes POV -

I waited, staring at Tiffany looking for some sort of answer in her eyes. Could she really reject me? I mean not to sound cocky or anything but why would she turn ME down. Not after everything weve been through

" Im sorry Tiff, maybe i brought it up too soon. we can wai-"

My sentence was cut off by a forceful kiss. Not that im complaining or anything. I kissed back with an equal amount of force. Sparks flew everywhere and butterflies fluttered in my stomach


My eyes widened. She giggled and blushed a deep shade of red

"Seriously?" I ask still not taking in what she had just said

"Yes Luke. I love you" she whispers the last part but i hear it as of she is shouting down my ear. Without a second thought i bring her into my arms and hug her tighter than ever before

"Luke a-as much as i l-love your cuddles your suffercating me" she barely breathed as i let go. Soon she was taking deep breathes, filling her lungs back up. I chuckled before my face dropped. I hadnt got her a ring. She soon notices my changed mood and raises her eyebrows

"Luke whats wrong?" She asks concerned but i just get up swiftly and get my coat

"I didnt but you a ring" i say racing to get my shoes

"Luke it doesnt mat-"

"No i have to show the world whats just happened. They need to know your mine and mine only" i say and extend my hand towards her. She seems confused for a moment until i chuckle again

"Come with me. Dont you want an engagement ring that you like?" I tease and her beautiful smile appears on her flawless face. She nods excitedly beofre racing to throw on her vans. I look at her and am immediently amazed at how quick she was. Im all my years of knowing her, ive never seen her do any task so quickly

"Lets go" i say, not being able to wait another minute

Calums POV -

Luke and Tiff came running down the stairs and straight out the door. They must have been going on another date. Those lovebirds couldnt spend a minute apart. But i couldnt really talk. Thats what me and Ella have been like since we got together. Everything just seemed right when i was with her. Like i didnt have to catch my breathe for once in my life. And that was one of the things i liked - loved about her

"Hey babe, the films starting" Ella called from the other room and a smile grew on my face. Swiftly i exited the kitchen with an arm full of snacks and drinks and went into the living room. There Ella was, sitting with a blanket and the remote in her hand

"Hey did you see Ella and Luke, they looked like they were in a hurry to get somewhere" she says, sneeking a handful of popcorn in her mouth. I stare at her playfully but laugh and nod my head

"I know, ive never seen Luke run so fast" i chucke and place the popcorn in the middle of us both. She smiles and continues to eat. I swear even when shes eating she looks like an angel. I shake my thoughs clear and start the film

Tiffanys POV -

I look over the protected cabinet filled with overpriced rings. Id never liked Luke buying me expensice things because i thought there was no point. I would become paranoid in case i lost it or it was damadged

"Oh babe, thats beautiful" i didnt notice my eyes had wandered to the most stunning ring i had ever seen. Luke was right, it was breathtaking. When i was younger i had dreamt of having a ring like that on my finger one day. My eyes wandered to the left slightly. I forced myself to look away from the small holder that held the price. I must have been one expensive child if i had dreamed of having a ring that expensive

"Yeah, but im sure theres others" i say trying to get away from that certain counter. But before i could walk away Luke grabbed my hand and called over a worker

"Could she try this one please?" He asks politely. The man nods, smiling at us both

"Seriously Luke, its a beautiful ring but i cant let you spend that much on me" i try to pull him away. But instead he pulled my face to his and places a light kiss on my lips

"Listen to me Tiff, i dont care about the money. I care about making you happy and you deserve the best" he kisses my nose and i blush

The man returns with the same ring in different sizes. He measures my finger in a matter of seconds and i try the right size on. I look down at the dazzling ring on my finger and smile. Its felt wierd to not see a bare finger that i had grown used to over the years

"We will take it"

Can we just take a moment to realise that Zayn is no longer in One Direction. Although it breaks my heart to see him leave, im glad he made this choice with no influence ( i hope ) and that he is happy now. i literally cried the entire wednesday night but i guess we will have to move on

The next chapter will be the wedding and then i guess this book is done. Thankyou to all the people who have been reading since day one. I have not fully decided on doing a sequel but im leaning towards doing one. i cant believe i have over 13k reads. It seems like yesterday when i was getting excited about getting 200 reads. Thankyou everyone!

Im going to go cry somemore but dont forget to vote and comment. I love you
And im sorry that this is a short chapter but i promise the next one and the epilogue will be sooooo long you will get sick of

Byeee :)

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