Chapter 11

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Feebz freezes on the end of the bed and my eyes widen slightly

"What the fuck Louis, how long have you been standing there?" I ask frantically and he bring his head up to look at Phoebe

"The whole time you were in here" he says cautiously. Phoebe face palms whilst I push Louis back into the corridor and shut the door

"So you know everything?" I whisper and he nods. I cant believe he was listening to our conversation.

"Is it true?" he asks with worry in his eyes and I look at him with confusion

"Is what true?" I ask and his eyes wander to the bedroom door

"Is it true that  the girl I've loved since the age of 12 actually loves me back?" He hurries and I chuckle at how rediculous he sounds

"Yes, it is" I state and he starts jumping up and down with excitement. There is a bruise starting to form on his fore head, probably from when he hit his head off the door. Without warning he sprints past me and lunges for the door. Phoebes face lifts from her hands and she looks at Louis. Her face riddled with worry and slight hope

"Louis what are y-" she is cut off by Louis crashing his lips onto hers. Without question she responds to his kiss. It was extremely cute. They were perfect for each other. Louis breaks the kiss and looks at Phoebe straight in the eye

"Phoebe please, I need to man up and do the thing that would make me the happiest man alive. Would you go on a date with me?" he rushs and Phoebe smiles wider than I thought possible

"Louis, i would love to" she giggles and Louis gives her another long, passionate kiss

"Sorry to interrupt your make out session but the rest of the boys might like to know" I say and they pull apart both giggling. Phoebe gets off the bed and turns to Louis. He smiles and takes Phoebes hand in his own and practically drags her towards the living room where all the boys are seated. As soon as they walk in hand in hand the boys cheer

"Finally Louis, you grew a pair and asked her out" Zayn laughed and Louis turned red whilst Phoebe just giggled even more

"Actually, its the other way round. Phoebs told Tiff and I happened to be eavesdropping so heard and then I did grow a pair and asked her out!" Louis cheered and we all laughed at how happy he is.

Soon after the 5sos boys came in looking happy as ever. I smiled at all and sat next to Harry on the sofa

"So what happened here?" Calum asks and Louis gets up in front of the four confused boys

" I aksed Phoebe on a date" i smiles proudly and they all cheer

"Finally, we thought you would never do it" Ashton laughed and i joined in. Luke laughed at first but then looked at me subtly. I gave him the same look I gave Louis and he gestured me outside

" We will be right back" I say and Luke drags me into the corridor where i stood before. When we stop he turns to look at me and i just stare back. His eyes really were beautiful and his face was flawless. What what am i talking about - but they are nice

"Well erm, I dont know how to say this" he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly and looks to the floor before returning his gaze to me

"I guess since Louis has done it, I can too" he states and me eyes go wide slighty. Was the Luke Hemmings going to ask me on a date. That question alone set my heart racing the the butterflies in my stomach going crazy, but i wondered why

"Tiff, do you wanna maybe, go on a date sometime?" he mumbles and I smile shyly, trying to hide the happiness bubbling inside

"Yes" I blurt before I know what im doing. He looks at me with complete astonishment and happiness

"Well ok, friday night 8:00 and dress casual." I take in the information he just gave me and nodded smiling. He returned into the living room with the proudest smile and i stood amazed at what just happened

I was going on a date with Luke. My former rival if you will. But I couldnt help but feel excited for Friday night

Hiyaa!! i updated and it feels like forever since i did. this is a really short chapter and for that i am so sorry. i just need to get back into writing and i will make the chapters much longer, i promise. but i still hope you like this one

Please go read my friends fanfics called my brothers band and trust. they are so amazing and really good i love them, they also star me as some of the characters. LOL

Byee :)

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