Chapter 9

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Tiffs POV –

“Hey Tiff, wake up” My body shook gently back and forth. Slowly my eyes started to flutter open to see Luke’s face only inches for my own

“Have we landed already?” I ask rubbing my eyes and lifting my head from Luke’s extremely comfy shoulder

“No I just need to go to the bathroom” He chuckles and I look at him with a smirk on my face. He’s such an idiot. He unbuckles his seatbelt fairly quickly and scoots past me making his way to the bathroom. My eyes follow him until the door closes. I smile slightly and turn my head to catch Ashton smirking at me

“What are you smirking at Ashy?” I ask placing one headphone into me ear and plugging the wire into my phone

“You haven’t checked twitter have you?” He says and my eyes widen. Frantically I open the app and see a picture of me sleeping on Luke’s shoulder, the picture posted by Ash himself. The caption underneath read: The world’s cutest coupleJ. That little dirty blonde haired bastard! I angrily press the square button the bottom of my phone and turn to face Ashton again

“Bastards” I say and put my other earphone in. But the music still doesn’t block out Ash’s laugh. God he laughs so loudly. I switch on Midnight Memories by One Direction and close my eyes again. It didn’t last long. Within three seconds of me closing my eyes Luke comes back into the aisle, bumping my legs hard

“Oww” I moan rubbing my leg where he crashed his knee into, removing my right earphone at the same time

“Oh are you ok?” He asks helping me rub it. I look at him and see actual concern in his eyes

“Luke, its ok. You only brushed past me, I was over reacting” I put my hand on his shoulder and he looks up, blushing like crazy

“Oh, ok” He says lying back in his seat once again. I look out the window and watch the sun start to set. I loved watching it every night

“Beautiful isn’t it” Luke says turning to face me. I nod and admire the colours in the sky. They were possibly the most beautiful colours in the world. I lean closer but lose my balance, knocking Luke’s shoulder with my head. It didn’t hurt that much, in fact it was quite funny. He turns and starts to chuckle as I try to get up, failing. He just shakes his head as I sit upright in my seat

“You can rest again……only if you want to” He mumbles and I smile. I need more sleep, especially after this morning. Without hesitation I rest my head on Luke’s shoulder. God it was comfy. A few moments later I feel a weight on top of my head. I knew it was Luke’s head. I guess he wanted to sleep too. I just ignore it and drift off into a peaceful sleep

**After they landed**

I drag my suitcase behind me lazily as I follow the boys out the airport and into a car. I wish I was asleep again. After I went to sleep the second time, I didn’t wake up. I didn’t even know I could sleep for that long. Quickly I handed my bags to the man and jumped into the car next to Cal

“I can’t believe were here right now” Luke cheered and we all smiles and agreed

“I can’t believe I’m going to meet One Direction” I cheered and everyone just laughed. They knew how much I adored them. I just hope there’s another girl on tour so I’m not surrounded by boys. Mikey asks he driver if we have long and thankfully it was only a couple of minutes away so we were there in no time

We all filed out the car and walked into a big hotel. The cold air hit my skin like a ton of bricks sending shivers down my spine. I hated the cold

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