Chapter 12

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I had spent almost all week thinking about my date tonigh with Luke. Apart of my was extremely nervous about what was going to happen but another part of my was bursting with excitement. I just couldnt stop thinking about Luke. Everytime i did my heart skipped a beat and tingles shot down my spine

I think i was starting to like him, more than just some friend

I looked through my wardrobe for the outfit for tonight. He said just wear something casual so i just pick out some balck high waisted shorts and a pink/purple ombre crop top. I guess that will do. Phoebe said that she would come in and help with hair and make up so i sit and wait until she makes her dramatic entrance

"Oh my God Tiff, i cant believe you are going on a date with Luke. I knew thsi would happen." She bursts through the door and rushs her words as she placed all the required equiptment onto the desk and plugging them in

"Carm down Phoe- wait what do you mean you knew this would happen?" I ask as she brings the curling iron to the tips of my hair. She looks at me with a suprised expression as she adds light curls to the bottom of my hair

"The way you guys looked on the plane and you two have basically been un seprable this week" She shrugs and i chuckle. She wasnt wrong about that. If you had only just met me and Luke this week, you would think we were best friends. We did almost everything together, the boys coming along from time to time. You would also think we were never enemies in the first place, it was realy wierd. I just smiled and sat patienlty for phoebe to finish my hair and make up


"All done" Phoebe sighs and i stand to look at myself in the mirror. Not to sound vane or anything but i looked beautiful. My hair was curled at the tips and flowed past my shoulders. Phoebe was really good at this kind of thing

"Phoebe this looks amazing, thankyou" I say and turn to hug her. She gladly accepts it and replies witha soft 'your welcome'

"You ready then?" She squeals and i nod smiling widely. I quicky grab my purse and walk towards the door where Luke is waiting. He is dressed in a light blue button up shirt and some black skinny jeans. He looks so perfect. When he sees me his eyes widen and he comes up from leaning on the wall

"Tiff, you look......... amazing" He looks me up and down and i feel the familiar redness rise on my cheeks

"Thankyou, you dont look so bad yourself" I chuckle and he shakes his head smiling

"Shall we" He says in a British accent gesturing to the door. I smile and walk out, him following shorty behind. I wait for him to lead me to his car and we both hop inside and he starts the engine

"So where are we going?" I ask hopefully but he looks at me smirking

"Its a suprise" He says and starts to dive away from the hotel. I just smile and laugh inwardly. Hes such a dork. A cute dork

"Can you at least tell me how far away it is?" I ask and he smiles

"Not far, only about another 4 minutes away actually" He keeps his eyes on the road and i look at how much he is concentrating on the path in front of him


"Ok were here" He says hopping out. In front of us stood a huge lake with a man waiting at the side with a boat. I quickly get out and follow Luke down the river bank towards the man

"Hello, boat for two please" He smiles at the man, who kindly returns one and tells us to follow him further around the lake. Soon we stop infront of a small dock, boats all along side it in rows. He gestures to one at the front and Luke nods. I suddenly feel his fingers intertwine with mine and he drags me onto the boat, following me. I pass him the oars after he insisted on rowing us. I couldnt help but notice the way his muscles flexed as he took us futher into the lake. I thought he was going to take us to the other side but he suprises me and stops right in the middle of it

"Erm, ok" I chuckle as we drift around slowly. He reaches beneath his feet and brings out a little picnic basket and a rose. I chuckle as he hands me the flower, strangley my favourite

"Why thankyou" I say smelling it

"Ok i have chocolate covered strawberries, a box of pepperoni pizza and cookies and cream ice cream. Oh shit i forgot a drink" He rushed, planting his head in his hands on the last sentence. I just laugh and rub his shoulder

"Its ok Luke, you sound really nervous" I say and his head comes up to look at me

"I am" He murmers and my eyes widen. Luke was nervous about going on a date with me? But why? Its just me!

"Here you want some pizza?" He asks holding a single slice up from the box. I nod slightly and take the slice from his hand. I knew that he liked pizza alot so i wasn't suprised that he brought one along now. I ook my first bite and looked up to the stars in the sky

"This is beautiful, how did you find thsi place?" I ask taking another bite and he looks up to the sky with me

"Louis told me about it. He was going to bring Phoebe here but he found another spot so he said i could bring you here" He looks at he in the eye and tingles shoot down my arm. I lower my gaze to the floor and continue to eat my pizza.

No long after starting the pizza its gone. I guess it really was his favourite. Right now we were lying across the seats, eating the ice cream and staring at the sky. This place really was amazing. There was no one else here so it was peaceful, just perfect

"Oh i almost forgot" Luke says getting up, placing his tub beside him. He reaches into the basket and pulls out a silver box with a pink ribbon tied around it. Proudly he hands me the box. I take it hesitantly and lightly untie the ribbon. As soon as i lift the lid of the box i turn both speachless and breathless. Astounded, i lift the golden necklace from the box and place it in my hand. On it Tiffany is spelt in big letters with little diamonds scattered acroos the writing and a big one for the top of the i

"Luke.....its.......gorgeous" I whisper

"Do you like it?" He asks hopefully and i nod still staring at the object in my hand

"Luke you didnt have to......" I trail off still dazzled at the beauty of it

"I know, but i wanted too" He says taking the necklace out of my hand. He tells me to turn around and i swivil in my seat. I feel his warm hands and the ecoldness of the metal on my neck as he ties it around. I trun back around to face him and plant a soft kiss on his cheek

"Thankyou, for tonight" I whisper, my face only centimeterss away from his

"Its nothing" He whispers quietly and i cant help but let my gaze fall onto his lips. I guess he must have noticed because not a second later i feel his lips on mine and his hands cupping my cheeks. The same fireworks return from when we had kissed before and i couldnt help but smile. This was truly perfect. I now knew that i liked Luke more than a friend. Definietly. He pulls away and looks at me in the eye again

"Tiff, please be mine" He says and my head begins to swirl. My heart is beating out my chest and it feels as if my whole body has been ignited

"Yes" I say without hesitation and pull him in for another, long, passionate kiss

"We should head back, its getting pretty late" He whispers againstt my lips and i nod, being careful not to head butt him. I pull back and he takes the oars in his hands, making us drift back to the river bank. My lips tingled slightly all the way back to the edge, even in the car. My mind was all over the place but i knew one thing for sure

I love Luke Hemmings. My boyfriend

Hiya!! Ive updated and personally i love this chapter. They are finally dating and i am so excited. This might be the last update for a couple of days but i will update before i go away to centre parcs, which is in about a week or so so all is good. Please vote and comment, it would really help. Thankyou for all the nice comments already and all the votes, you guys are truly amazayn :p Sorry i had to do that

Byee :)

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