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Roy wants to run his head through a wall. He sends the Elric Brothers down to Dublith for an investigation with two others, and even those two couldn't keep Ed from getting shot. He was called that his prize and underage subordinate is going into surgery because the bullet managed to lodge itself in between the automail port and a grouping of nerve connections in his arm.

Roy, being the unconfirmed parent, heads straight to the train station with a light bag of clothes. His team, being the unconfirmed family, meets him at the train station. The ride there is almost unbearable. The group of six sit there impatiently, but few can hide it better than others.

Roy is going to throw himself out the window if he has to hear Jean and Kain whine about waiting one more time. Riza finally steps in, and hushes the idiots by threatening them with the business end of a gun. Roy decides to get some sleep after that. He's tired of their bullshit as it is, so why not?

Riza shakes him awake from a dreamless sleep. They're here, apparently. Roy slept through the majority of the ride, thank God. His worry, sadly, comes back with full force, and Roy is left rushing to get to the hospital. He's not the only one wanting to get there as soon as possible.

"We're here to see Edward Elric," Roy states.

A nurse blinks in surprise at his forwardness. "I'm sorry, sir, but he's not aloud any visitors. He got out of surgery earlier today, and is in need of rest."

"Edward Elric. What room?" A blonde girl snaps, who magically shows up beside Roy.

"As I was just telling this gentleman, he is not aloud any visitors," the nurse repeats sternly.

"Ma'am, Major Edward Elric is conducting an investigation, and I am his commanding officer. I have to check up on him to see if this shooting is involved somehow," Roy persuades.

"It is."


"Major Edward Elric and his teammates found one of the serial killers. When they called for back up, the killer attacked. Back up arrived while his team held the killer off. The killer pinned him down, and said something to him. I don't know what. His team had an open shot, took it, and he pushed the killer out of the way. In the process of saving the killer, he took the bullet," the nurse explains.

"He took a bullet... for a serial killer?" Roy says slowly.

"Yes! I don't know why, and that's none of my business. I'm just telling you what I was told. Now, Major Elric is not aloud visitors-" the group sighs, "-but I will allow his commanding officer in. No one else."

"What about me?" The blonde shouts.

"What about you?" The nurse huffs.

"I'm his automail mechanic!"

The nurse is either unimpressed, or doesn't believe her. "I will allow his commanding officer and no one else."

The blonde girl throws her arms up in annoyance. The nurse - her name tag says Lynch - leads Roy up to the second floor. He wonders if the blonde girl really is Ed's mechanic. She looks familiar, that's for sure. Can't be too sure, though, since she could just be a girlfriend he saw once.

"I'd like to warn you, we took his arm off to perform the surgery easier. He is still upset over it, and will shout at anyone who mentions it."

"Yeah, that sounds like Fullmetal," Roy sighs.

"Are you his guardian?" Nurse Lynch asks.

If Roy had a mouthful of a drink, he would have choked and spat it out. "Why would you ask that?"

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