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Wednesday 11:01 pm

Filthy fuckers rule this school. They walk down these treacherous hallways acting like they own the fucking place. Everyone's just tying to get through life without a bruise but these dumbasses make it harder than it already is.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Their purpose in life is to drown out any will for the actual future. School is just a hangout zone or them. They'll throw their balls and stick their tongues out at every poor slump they find.

No one even cares. They get a special treatment. The teachers just watch and laugh as they torture us. They don't do shit. Nobody cares until you're dead.

This is probably the most misleading entry I've written. Let me explain.

Good old Tommy. Just a regular loser like the rest of us. Extreme nerd who had a bright future ahead of him. Yesterday the school football team took little old Tommy and stripped him of his clothes. They threw them all around the school making him run out butt naked to go find them. It was humiliating. The amount of embarrassment the poor boy had to go through. The humiliation he must've felt.

The teachers didn't even care. When they saw him running around they gave him detention. They didn't help him. Why would they? These sorry excuse of teachers just care about getting paid. They don't care about the student.

Today Tommy didn't come in. It was reported that he had killed himself at home. It was also brought to the police's attention that he was being beaten at home.

I can't believe this. Everyday I saw the poor boy being picked on by his peers. I shouldn't have just dismissed his bruises. I figured they were just from those jocks. They weren't though. His parents didn't care for him either. Why doesn't anyone give a shit about these things anymore.

I should've talked to him. I should've helped him. I could've saved his life but all I did was just watch as society drove him to his death. I feel terrible. I feel like in some way this is my fault. It's so selfish so blame myself. Everyone blames themselves though.

School continued like normal. It was like his death had no affect on anyone. I hated that. I was the only one who actually took notice and couldn't function today. It was terrible.

I wish I had done something. I should've asked him how he was doing. Help him find his clothes and stop him. I could've done anything but instead I just watched. I watched him go day by day just being tormented by everyone around him.

He had depression. He was genuinely depressed. He needed help but he had no one. All he had were his grades. But even that seemed to be so pointless.

I can't stop thinking about him. I can't stop blaming myself. I can't help but feel absolutely terrible for the guy.

Right now, I can't even deal with anything. This is my entry, bye.

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