498 24 22

Tuesday 10:37pm

Today wasn't half bad. The group was normal. School was normal. Just an average day. It's actually not that bad writing shit down in here. I kinda like it.

Albert showed me a funny meme at lunch. I usually don't eat lunch and no one ever asks why. Not that I'd want them to though.

Overall, I just feel emotionless. I don't know why I need to feel like this. I have such a normal life. My mom and dad are happy. I have friends. A roof over my head. Why do I have to have depression. It's so exhausting and just mentally drains the hell out of me. I can barely stay focused on one thing.

I'm just always thinking. Thinking about the day. Things that happened 4 years ago. Just anything. I can't even cry. I want to, but I can't. It's like there's a wall of just blocked emotions.

This insomnia doesn't help at all. Because I always am thinking, I can't sleep. I just always have to be doing things or I'll just keeping thinking and thinking. I hate how that works.

Anyway, that was the entry for the day.

My Journal. (Jalbert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang