─ chapter three

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*trigger warning, mentions of death and loss*

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*trigger warning, mentions of death and loss*


"Elyse." Elsa said softly, approaching her daughter. "It's time to go. The car will be at the castle soon." Elyse didn't reply. She just stayed numbly on her knees in front of the gravestone atop the hill. The hill, which she would go once a year to honour her grandparents, had since that fateful day turned into where she spent most of her time. It was undeniable that the loss had hit her hard, and the memory of the car hitting her side had not only left her left wrist with an open break, but had also some scars and had taken her father away from her. Elsa let out a small sigh and knelt down beside Elyse. She gently wrapped her arms around her daughter.

"I know..." Elsa whispered softly. "I know. But we have to go on. I don't want you to end up like I did when I lost my parents." She said softly, tears brimming her eyes. She looked up at the gravestones.

"You mean closing yourself off for three years?" Elyse questioned monotonically, not returning the hug. Elsa frowned and took a breath.

"It gets better, Elyse. I promise. You might be better being around your friends. You'll have Autumn. And Maddie. I'm sure they've missed you." Elsa continued to speak softly. "I just don't want you to shut people out, okay? It's not good for you. Or your powers." Elsa sighed.

"Does it? Because right now it just feels like a whole lot of pain that won't end." Elyse muttered.

"I know it does." Elsa sighed. "But I promise it does get better. You'll always have this hole in your heart that you can't fill, but it becomes less painful as time goes on." A tear slipped down Elsa's cheek.

"Why him momma?" Elyse asked, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Because the world is cruel." Elsa said with slight coldness in her tone. She pulled Elyse into her chest as tears began to roll down her own cheeks.

"Do I have to go back?" Elyse asked, returning her mother's hug this time.

"Yes... I can't keep you home any longer, you'll miss too much." Elsa sighed, resting her chin on the top of her daughter's head. "And maybe spending some time with your friends will help distract you. Being alone does the opposite."

"I don't want to leave him though..." Elyse mumbled, looking up at the gravestone.

"You never will." Elsa said. "He'll always be with you, no matter where you go." She gave her daughter a gentle squeeze before pulling away. Elsa twirled her hands around and little snowflakes appeared. She clasped her hands together and then pulled up a silver necklace with a heart shaped locket. It was encrusted with small pale blue gems. She turned it over to show Elyse, it had her father's initials on the back: 'R.A'. "It's a locket." Elsa explained, clicking it open. In it was an engraved picture of Elyse and her father. "Just a little something so you can feel like he's with you." Elsa placed it gently in her daughter's hands.

"Momma..." Elyse breathed, clutching the locket. "Thank you." She got out before sobbing.

"Come here." Elsa pulled Elyse into her and tightly wrapped her arms around her. Elsa started to cry herself, just hugging her daughter. Little snowflakes began to float around their heads. However, their moment was interrupted by a faint horn in the distance.

"Do I really have to go in a car, Momma? What if..." Elyse began to tremble. Elsa took Elyse's hands.

"I know baby, but you'll be okay. Nothing will happen. I promise you. You'll be okay. It's only a short ride. You could call Autumn and stay on the phone to her. She knows you're coming today, so she won't be overexcited. Maybe." Elsa muttered.

"Momma, I can't call Autumn from the plane. You forget we don't go to the local school anymore." Elyse said between tears. Elsa sighed softly, but then nodded.

"You'll be okay, my little snowflake." She said, keeping her arms around her daughter. She gently took the necklace from Elyse's hands and undid the clasp. "Put it on." Elsa said as tears rolled down her cheeks. Wordlessly, Elyse pulled her hair out of the way so her mom could latch the necklace, which Elsa did. She then looked her daughter in the eyes.

"He loves you so much." She said seriously, tears in her eyes. "You're going to get through this. It will get better."

"I hope so momma." Elyse muttered.

"I promise, snowflake." Elsa brushed a piece of hair back from her daughter's face. "He would want you to go back to school and be with your friends. And that's what I want too. If you need me, I'm just a call away." She said, wiping a tear from Elyse's cheek. Suddenly Elyse leaned over and threw her arms around her mother's neck.

"I love you momma."

"I love you too." Elsa hugged her daughter back. She pulled away. "I'll let you say your goodbyes." She said, standing up. Elyse waited until her mom's footsteps had faded away before turning back to the now familiar headstone:

'Rudolf Arendelle, neé Whittaker
26 BCA-20 ACA.
A loving father, husband, uncle, son, and brother.
Was taken away too soon and will be sorely missed.'

"Hey dad," Elyse said, starting to cry again for the umpteenth time in the last month. "I really don't want to go back. Or get in the car. I just want to stay here..." She managed to get out, stroking the headstone. "I miss you Dad. I can't help but blame myself somewhat. I should've made sure you were okay. Instead I was worried about myself and that cost me you. I'm sorry. I'm so freaking sorry." There was another honk from the car, which had gotten closer. "I love you daddy. I always will. Goodbye." Elyse finished as she got up, trying not to start sobbing again.She hastily grabbed her hand bag and ran down to the dreaded four wheeled vehicle.



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