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"It was good to meet you Emma. We will make you one of us tomorrow and you'll meet the girls. You can stay and drink with us tonight or go get some rest but be back here early tomorrow. We'll go to the hid out once we know your really one of us" April says as she smiled across to me.

"April? Tell her about the tattoo" Regina says as we all stood up.

"Ow yes. To show your commitment that you want to join. Get this tattoo" April lifted her sleeve up to show the tattoo on her wrist.

"No problem. I've got a few others. One more wont hurt" I smirked.

"Good. Welcome Emma" Regina says smiling.

She seemed like she was shy but trying hard to hide it. I'm going to find out who she is. It's not part of my job but I will do it anyway. I left the club shortly after that. I walked outside and saw the bouncer stood with a tissue over his nose. He looked down at me and glared.

"Boo" I say as I lift my fist up.

He flinched backwards as if he was dodging my punch. I laughed at his fear and walked towards my car.

"Stupid bimbo" he shouts as I'm getting into the car.

I rolled my eyes and started the engine. I drove until I was far enough from the club not to be seen. Once there I let out the biggest sigh I possibly could.

"Holy shit! That was easier than I thought" I say as I started to laugh to myself.

I used my phone to call detective jones. It rang a few times before answering. I was still laughing at how much fun I had and how easy it was.

"Swan. Your ok" he asked quickly.

"Yeah. That was amazing. I'm in. I need the tattoo by morning. Have Mia come to mine and do it tonight. We will put a plastic cover over it as if I really got a tattoo" I request still driving and laughing.

"I take it you had fun" he asked with a slight chuckle to his words.

"Ow I did. Also one is hot" I say now smirking at the thought of Regina.

"Don't even think about it. Swan you have a job to do" Jones sternly warned.

"Don't worry. I know my job. These people are criminals. I'm nearly home. Have the Mia for makeup at mine as soon as possible"

"Will do. I'm glad your ok Emma"

"Don't doubt me. I'm good" I say with the biggest smirk.

"Shut up swan. Good night"


I hung the phone up a few seconds before arriving at my house. I left the car and went to my front door. I unlocked the door and went in. Since I'm very successful I have a big house but it's empty. I have a dog called cinnamon but that's it.

"Cinnamon? I'm home" I call out. A boarder collie came running over to me excited. "There's my baby girl. Such a little cutie" I say as I bent down to stroke her.

We both walked into the kitchen together. I filled up a silver dish with water and a glass with water. I placed a dish on the floor for cinnamon and I drunk the water. The front door then knock. I went to the door assuming it's the makeup girl. I opened it and saw Regina stood there.

"Hi Emma" she says smirking at me.

"Ow Hi? How come you here" I asked remembering who I'm meant to be.

"April sent me. I had to do my usual check that your not a detective or something. I'm supposed to follow you and make sure you don't go back to the station" Regina spoke softly to me as she became that shy person she was hiding again.

"Well as you can see I'm not. Just me and my dog. I'd invite you in but I'm going to be getting to get my tattoo soon" I say quickly knowing Mia is on her way here and lives close.

"I can take you to the place I got mine and where April gets hers. She'll give you a discount since it's our gang sign"

"Ow it's alright. My sister is on her way here and will do it for me for free" I say so quick I didn't realise what I said.

"Well have fun with that miss swan. I better get going. Bye" she says softly with a sweet smile.

I found it hard to believe Regina was a criminal. She didn't have that look in her eyes all the others have. The look that murders hold in there eyes wasn't in hers. But I could see guilt. Her eyes were just perfect. And her smile wasn't far behind.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Regina" I smiled as I slowly started closing the door. I saw cinnamon behind me. She was wagging her tale and panting. "You want to go to he toilet" I asked the dog.

Her ears went up and she sat up more. She tilts her her and I know that means yes. I opened the front door again and she ran out. I watched her to make sure she didn't run away.

"Yo em. Ready for a tattoo" I heard Mia says from the end of my front yard.

"You bet" I replied now looking up to see her. She chuckled and walked towards me. I let her in before looking back to cinnamon. "Come on cinnamon. Good girl" I call her back in.

She ran in and over to Mia. She giggled and stroked him. I led her to the lounge and she set her makeup stuff up.

"Wrist. I'm going to put some red around it as well to make it look like a fresh tattoo. I'll leave the pen here as well so u can go over it. This is waterproof so it won't smudge or wash off" Mia says as she starts to get ready to do my fake tattoo.

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