Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

. . . T a e h y u n g . . .

"...I still breathe her perfume." I addressed to myself while I painted.

"Something attracts you with her's like something you can not control."

I went back to say, until I stopped painting and got up automatically, to wash my hands.

"You didn't see her face...I mean strange! I still don't understand why she entered the place, while you didn't see anything?" Jimin asked me, playing with his fingertips while thinking.

"I saw some of her tattoo,'s a long sentence. But I don't understand it." I answered him with a cold voice, turning around to look at him.

"What language it was written with?" Jimin asked back.

"It's not any language, it's Morse." I told him with something of sarcasm, and added.

"She didn't just enter the place, Jimin, she took something from here."

"What did she take?"

"My painting that I didn't finish."

. . . L i s a . . .

"Pretty, from where did you get it? It contains the Kim logo." Jungkook wondered while touching the painting he was looking at it details carefully.

"It does not matter where I got it from. Anyway it's pretty."

I told him smiling at his face. I recalled the details of how the Kim's son had almost revealed my identity.

Jungkook almost inquired again, but my younger sister, which did not exceed eight years of age, enter the room and she hung up to get some air.

"What happened?" I turned to her, looking at her sad face with concern.

"It's my chocolates." Luna mumbled, her small face, was reddened with rage.

"What about your chocolates?" Jungkook asked incredulously.

"They disappear again." She told him with fear.

I giggled loudly emanated from me, making their penetrating looks pass to me.

"What's so funny?" Jungkook asks in puzzlement, scanning my smiling face.

"The chocolate, and it disappear...don't you think it is funny?" I told them seriously, while still smiling.

"No, but I think it's related to the incident that happened to me too, and the disappearance of the chocolate as well from my house, and this mean one thing..." Jungkook told me earnestly, and nailed his eyes on mine, scrutinizing my eyes directly in a way that worried me, and he continued.

"It's something that's tied to that girl."

"Which girl, I don't understand here?!" Luna asked.

"She's a girl, ghost, shadowy, wandering around and stealing chocolate." He simply answered, making Luna's face yellowed with fear, as she asked.

"What a stupid girl, why do she steal chocolate instead of money?"

"I asked the same question too... strange girl!!" He said, while still corresponds to me in a bit of mystery.

"Stop, you are scaring Luna, Jungkook." I said annoyed to him from his continuous gaze, and completed.

"He's just kidding with you, nothing claims to fear Luna...forget all of that, I'll buy you more sweets and other chocolate, good?" I addressed her.

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